北宋搨絳帖(十) 冊 唐張旭殘秋帖
Remains of Autumn
文物統一編號 | 故帖000051N000000000 |
作品號 | 故帖00005100001 |
品名 |
北宋搨絳帖(十) 冊 唐張旭殘秋帖 Remains of Autumn |
分類 | 法帖 |
作者 | 張旭,Zhang Xu |
書體 | 草書 |
數量 | 一幅 |
作品語文 | 漢文 |
釋文 | 唐長史張旭書。(楷書)。殘秋入洛謁明君。身事成來愧乘塵。若況此生勤善甚。等閑欲去是何人。此回生入洛陽城。又乘皇恩賜一名。又(旁註仍字)向藥師塔院住。如斯進與得余情。(草書)。 |
質地位置 | 質地 |
本幅 | 紙 |
類別 | 參考資料 |
內容簡介 | 唐張旭 殘秋帖 肚痛帖 張旭(約活動於西元七世紀-八世紀),字伯高,江蘇蘇州人,官至金吾長史,人稱張長史。善草書,傳其嗜酒,世稱張顛。本次選展〈殘秋帖〉與〈肚痛帖〉,筆鋒使轉旋繞,字字纏綿相連,狂縱奔放,奇態紛陳。 二帖選自〈絳帖〉,宋仁宗皇祐、嘉祐年間潘師旦以「淳化閣帖」為底本,刻帖二十卷於絳州(今山西新絳),故名。後人評此帖骨法清勁,可補閣帖過於豐腴之失。 (20121017) |
Description | Zhang Xu (style name Bogao), native to Suzhou in Jiangsu, served to Administrator of Imperial Insignia Guard, which is why he was called “Administrator Zhang.” He excelled at cursive script and, reportedly fond of wine, was also known as “Topsy-turvy Zhang.” In these 2 works, the tip of the brush winds around as characters link together, dancing wildly in a frenzy. These two come from the “Jiang Modelbooks.” During the Huangyou and Jiayou reigns of Emperor Renzong, Pan Shidan used the “Chunhua Pavilion Modelbooks” as a model to carve 20 chapters at Jiangzhou (modern Xinjiang, Shanxi), hence the name. Later critics note the purity and strength of these copies, making up for the overly plump strokes found in the Chunhua modelbooks. (20121017) |