宋四家法書 卷 宋蘇軾書次韻三舍人省上詩 蘇軾;Su Shi , 30.9x47.9


基本資料 藏品類型 書法
文物統一編號 故書000132N000000000 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄
作品號 故書00013200002
品名 宋四家法書 卷 宋蘇軾書次韻三舍人省上詩
Poetry in Rhyme for the Master of the Three Colleges
分類 法書
作者 蘇軾;Su Shi
書體 行書
創作時間 宋哲宗元祐二年(1087)
數量 一幅
作品語文 漢文
釋文 次韻三舍人省上一首。軾。紛紛榮瘁何能久。雲雨從來翻覆手。慌如一夢墮枕中。卻見三賢起江右。(劉貢父。曾子開。孔經父。皆江西人也。)嗟君妙質皆瑚璉。顧我虛名但箕斗。明朝冠蓋蔚相望。共扈翠輦朝宣光。武皇已老白雲鄉。正與羣帝驂龍翔。獨留杞梓扶明堂。(明日扈從謁景靈。故有此句)。元祐二年(西元一0八七年)三月晦日。

典藏尺寸 【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 30.9x47.9

質地 【質地位置】 【質地】

印記資料 【印記類別】 【印記】
鑑藏寶璽 養心殿鑑藏寶
鑑藏寶璽 隆裕皇太后御覽之寶
收傳印記 南昌袁氏家藏珍玩子孫永保
收傳印記 袁忠徹印
收傳印記 □□堂(朱文。半印。)
收傳印記 尚寶少卿袁氏忠徹印
收傳印記 靜思齋印(半印)
收傳印記 項元汴印
收傳印記 神(重一)
收傳印記 品(重一)
收傳印記 項元汴印
收傳印記 平生真賞
收傳印記 項墨林父秘笈之印
收傳印記 子孫世昌(重一。半印一。)
收傳印記 西疇耕耦(重一。半印一。)
收傳印記 神遊心賞
收傳印記 檇李
收傳印記 項子京家珍藏
收傳印記 項墨林鑒賞章
收傳印記 墨林項季子章
收傳印記 子京珍祕
收傳印記 墨林嬾叟
收傳印記 博雅堂□□□(半印)
收傳印記 □□之圃(半印)
收傳印記 張孝思賞鑒印
收傳印記 張孝思
收傳印記 張則之
收傳印記 商丘宋犖審定真跡
收傳印記 李宗孔
收傳印記 笪重光
收傳印記 笪在辛
收傳印記 江上笪氏圖書印
收傳印記 江上(半印)
收傳印記 直指繡衣御史章
收傳印記 袁說友印
收傳印記 袁同印章
收傳印記 □袞堂(白文。半印。)

參考資料 【類別】 【參考資料】
收藏著錄 石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1102-1103
收藏著錄 故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁141-144
收藏著錄 故宮歷代法書全集,第三冊,頁34-45、178-182
內容簡介(中文) 蘇軾(西元一0三六-一一0一年),四川眉山人。字子瞻,號東坡。嘉祐二年(一0五七)二十二歲進士,宦跡遍及杭州、黃州、揚州、及瓊州等地。 他博通經史,詩文造詣很高,是文學史上的大家。書法師王羲之、顏真卿、李邕、楊凝式、李建中等,不過他主張「我書意造本無法,點畫信手煩推求」,有法而不泥於法,是典型的宋人尚意書風代表。此幅書於五十二歲,運筆沉著穩健,字形雖不俊美,卻有豐富的意韻。本幅為「宋四家法書」卷之二。
內容簡介(英文) Su Shih (style name Tzu-ch'an; sobriquet Tung-p'o) was a native of Mei-shan, Szechuan. He received his chin-shih civil service degree in 1057 at the age of 21 and served as an official in such places as Hangchow, Huang-chou, Yangchow, and Ch'iung-chou. Su Shih was distinguished for his erudition on the Classics and history, and also reached a high level of achievement in poetry and belles-lettres. He is a great author in the history of Chinese literature. He took the styles of such calligraphers as Wang Hsi-chih (303?-361?), Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-785), Li Yung (678-747), Yang Ning-shih (873-957), and Li Chien-chung as his teachers. However, he also emphasized that "the style of my calligraphy by natutre has no method, so the dots and strokes that I dash off are guided by my hand without attempting to be meticulously correct." This attitude of Su Tung-p'o's represents the prevalent view among Sung dynasty calligraphers that one must have calligraphic methods without becoming stuck in them. This piece of calligraphy was done at the age of 51, when su Shih's brushwork was firm and steady. Although the forms of the characters are not handsome, they possess an abundant spirit and tone.
內容簡介(中文) 蘇軾(西元一0三六-一一0一年),字子瞻,號東坡。博通經史,詩文造詣高超,是北宋文學史上的大家。書法主張「我書意造本無法,點畫信手煩推求」,有法而不泥於法,是典型的宋人尚意書風代表。此幅書於五十二歲,運筆沉著穩健,字形雖不俊美,卻有豐富的意韻。本幅為「宋四家法書」卷之二,幅右下有項元汴千字文第七九七「屬」字編號,並鈐有「子孫世昌」等多方鑑藏章。
內容簡介(英文) Su Shi was learned in the classics and histories, attaining great heights in literature and becoming a master. He once said, “My calligraphy has no method; dots and strokes trust my hand without always being correct.” Thus, he had method but was not confined to it, reflecting the classic Song spirit of personal expression. In this work from the Chinese age of 52, Su’s brush movement is firm and steady. Though the characters may not be handsome, they appear rich. This is the second work in the scroll “Calligraphy of the Four Song Masters.” In the lower right is the 797th character from the “Thousand Character Classic” (shu 屬) and Xiang Yuanbian’s accession number, along with such seals as “May Descendants Prosper for Generations.”
參考書目 1.〈次韻三舍人省上詩〉,收入何傳馨、陳階晉、何炎泉編,《故宮法書新編(十) 宋 蘇軾墨蹟(下)》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),頁38-41。
