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內容簡介(中文) |
此幅為正臣所作,正臣,高昌人,與柯九思為友 富收藏,有東坡墨竹圖,敬仲嘗為作跋。柯敬仲墨竹,醉心於東坡,家藏蘇竹一幅,至臨之數百遍。本幅一竹獨峙,用筆枯勁,襯以菊花坡石,明簡而樸質。
內容簡介(英文) |
K'o Chiu-ssu was a native of T'ai-chou, Chekiang. His style name was Ching-chung and his sobriquet Tan-ch'iu Sheng. He was well-versed in both poetry and prose, and served as keeper of the Khans' Imperial collection of painting and calligraphy. He excelled in calligraphy and the rendering of ink bamboo as well as landscapes.
This work was painted for Cheng-ch'en, who was of Kao-ch'ang stock from the Turfan area. He was a good friend of K'o Chiu-ssu and had a rich collection of paintings including an ink-bamboo by Su Tung-p'o for which K'o wrote a colophon. K'o was infatuated with the bamboo paintings of Su Tung-p'o and made several hundred copies of an example which he himself owned. This work shows one bamboo plant, painted with powerful strokes of dry ink. It is set off by chrysanthemums growing from a bank and the composition has clarity and integrity.
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內容簡介(中文) |
柯九思(1290-1343),浙江台州人。字敬仲,號丹丘生。元文宗置奎章閣,特授學士院鑒書博士,博學能詩文,工書,並善墨竹,亦善山水。 此幅為正臣所作,正臣,高昌人,與柯九思為友 富收藏,有東坡墨竹圖,敬仲嘗為作跋。柯敬仲墨竹,醉心於東坡,家藏蘇竹一幅,至臨之數百遍。本幅一竹獨峙,用筆枯勁,襯以菊花坡石,明簡而樸質。
內容簡介(英文) |
K'o Chiu-ssu was a native of T'ai-chou, Chekiang. His style name was Ching-chung and his sobriquet Tan-ch'iu Sheng. He was well-versed in both poetry and prose, and served as keeper of the Khans' Imperial collection of painting and calligraphy. He excelled in calligraphy and the rendering of ink bamboo as well as landscapes. This work was painted for Cheng-ch'en, who was of Kao-ch'ang stock from the Turfan area. He was a good friend of K'o Chiu-ssu and had a rich collection of paintings including an ink-bamboo by Su Tung-p'o for which K'o wrote a colophon. K'o was infatuated with the bamboo paintings of Su Tung-p'o and made several hundred copies of an example which he himself owned. This work shows one bamboo plant, painted with powerful strokes of dry ink. It is set off by chrysanthemums growing from a bank and the composition has clarity and integrity.