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Sun Kuo-t'ing, a native of Chekiang, presented a concise and complete essay appreciating the virtues of ancient calligraphers in the short span of 3,000 characters. In discussing the techniques and experiences in calligraphy, he summarized the history of this art from the Six Dynasties period to the T'ang dynasty.
Not only is this work a precious source of historical material on the early history and theory of calligraphy, it is also a beautiful work in its own right. Sun's cursive script was influenced by the draft-cursive script of Wang Hsi-chih. Done mostly with a rounded brush, Sun's strokes are more varied than in Wang's Seventeen Works (Shih-ch'i t'ieh) and the characters are further elongated.
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內容簡介(英文) |
This handscroll in cursive script, composed of 351 vertical lines of text, was done by the early T'ang calligrapher and theorist Sun Kuo-t'ing. Little is known about Sun, but he dated this scroll to 687, indicating that he was active at least in the latter half of the 7th century. There is also some controversy to other parts of his biography, but an epitaph written by a friend indicates his surname was Sun, his given name Ch’ien-li, his style name Kuo-t'ing, and his hometown in Honan province. This work represents the only surviving piece by this calligrapher.
The first column of the handscroll at the right states, “Chapter one of Essay on Calligraphy,” and the end is inscribed, “This is a selection of six topics divided into two chapters.” The scroll now in the Museum collection represents only the general preface at the beginning of chapter one, which has not survived. More than 3000 characters in length, the contents deal with the essential points and basic principles of calligraphy, making it an important example of early calligraphic theory. The calligraphy itself is also a masterpiece of early cursive script. Using rounded brushwork with some elements of clerical script, it reflects the strong influence of Wang Hsi-chih's draft cursive script from the 4th century. However, the strokes here are more varied and the characters more slender than those shown in Wang's “Letters of the Seventeenth”.
參考書目 |
5.蘇瑩輝,〈國之重寶 — 書畫精萃特展〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第19期(1984年10月),頁17-18。
9.高樂知,〈中國書法造形分析法 — 以孫過庭書譜為例〉,《中華民國建國八十年中國藝術文物討論會論文集 書畫(下)》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1992),頁599-626。
11.侯怡利,〈唐孫過庭書譜〉,收入蔡玫芬主編,《精彩一百 國寶總動員》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),頁182。
12.何傳馨、陳階晉、侯怡利編,《故宮法書新編(二)唐 孫過庭書譜》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年九月初版一刷)。
內容簡介(中文) |
孫過庭(活動於七世紀後半)字虔禮,吳郡(江蘇蘇州)人,曾任率府錄事參軍。去職後,欲致力於書學研究,以嘉惠學者,不過中年遽世,未竟志業。此卷書於武后垂拱三年(687),篇首題「書譜卷上」,內容包含書法評論、書體功用、書法審美與學習等議題。全卷書風或謹飭,或粗放,點畫時而連綿流美,時而直率質樸,自然流露出書寫過程的心理變化。 (20081012)
內容簡介(英文) |
Sun Kuo-t’ing, style name Ch’ien-li, was a native of Wu-chun (modern Soochow, Kiangsu) and once served as Administrative Supervisor of the Guard Command. After leaving office, he devoted himself to the study of calligraphy to benefit students of this art form. Unfortunately, he passed away in middle age before fulfilling his goal. This handscroll was done in the third year of Wu Tse-t’ien’s Ch’ui-kung reign (corresponding to 687), the front title reading, “Essay on Calligraphy, Scroll One.” The contents include a discourse on calligraphy, the functions of script types, and the aesthetics and practice of calligraphy. The style ranges from sober and reserved to coarse and untrammeled, the dots and strokes at times appearing continuous and beautifully flowing, while at others simple and direct. Thus, it naturally reveals the writer’s feelings during the process of calligraphing the work. (20081012)
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這卷草書作品〈書譜〉全長900.8公分,現存351行,全文約3700多字,是唐代書法理論家與書法家孫過庭,完成於垂拱三年(687)的名作。 孫過庭自述十五歲開始留心翰墨,沉浸數十年。他的書法工夫深厚,加上天賦高超,備受歷代評論家讚賞。孫過庭立志編撰一部有助於初學者的著作,不過在有生之年未能完成,只留下這篇緒論,全文內容主要有四部份:一是討論書法的「博涉」與「精工」,強調兼通各種書體的重要性。二是闡述編錄〈書譜〉的原則。三是舉出臨學的範本,提醒學者臨習時須著重內在的心理因素,而非外在的形體。最後論述書法學習的進程、態度及境界。 書譜全卷存在妍潤與粗放兩種不同的書法表現,妍潤者,運筆平緩,結體優美;粗放者,運筆快速,不加修飾,孫過庭似乎有意在本卷書寫時,實際示範草書的變化之美。 (20081012)
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This surviving handscroll of cursive script is about nine meters long and consists of about 3,700 characters in 351 lines. This masterpiece was written by the learned theorist and practitioner of calligraphy Sun Kuo-t'ing and completed in the third year of the Ch'ui-kung year (687). In Sun Kuo-t'ing's own words, he started paying attention to calligraphy at the Chinese age of 15, delving into it for several decades thereafter. With calligraphy his labor of love, combined with an exceptional talent in it, Sun's efforts led him to become praised by critics through the ages. He was determined to compose a work to assist beginning students of calligraphy, but unfortunately unable to complete it before his death, leaving only this preface, the contents of which can be divided into four main parts. The first part discusses achieving “breadth” and “skill” in calligraphy, emphasizing the importance of skill in all the major script types. The second is a description of the principles behind recording “Essay on Calligraphy.” The third emphasizes the copying of models, reminding scholars that when copying they must focus on spiritual elements and not just external forms. The final part is a description of the process, attitude, and realm in studying calligraphy. “Essay on Calligraphy” contains both elegant and coarser manners of expression all together in one piece. In the more elegant parts, the brushwork is gentle with more graceful. In coarser sections, the brushwork is quick without ornamentation. It seems that Sun Kuo-t'ing intentionally sought to provide concrete examples of the various forms of beauty in calligraphy when doing this work. (20081012)
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內容簡介(英文) |
Sun Guoting, Tang dynasty (608-907)
Sun Guoting (style name Qianli), ancestral hometown unknown, was an important practitioner and theorist of calligraphy in the early Tang period.
This handscroll features more than 3,000 characters. Written in 687, it is a concise critique of the virtues and faults of ancient calligraphers. Also describing the techniques of this art form and Sun’s experiences in learning it, the scroll thereby provides precious early historical material on the theory of calligraphy. At the same time this work also reveals the profound influence of Wang Xizhi’s cursive script. At times it is beautifully fluid with brushwork even and gentle, forming graceful character forms. At other times the brush movement is quick and unadorned, portraying the beauty of variations in cursive script to the utmost. Not only is this work the most important text on calligraphy theory from the early Tang, it is also an extremely rare surviving example of calligraphy from that period.
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參考書目 |
國立故宮博物院編輯委員會,〈唐孫過庭書譜 卷〉,收入《故宮書畫菁華特輯》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1996.10),頁14-17。