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【參考資料】 |
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秘殿珠林續編 (乾清宮),第一冊,頁92
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內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
The Buddha sits on his throne surrounded by six figures: two female deties, two monks, and two guardian figures. Flames encircle the Buddha's halo, painted most realistically with a very brush. The painting incorporates mostly monochrome ink lines with light washes of ink. The drawing of the hands and the feet is exceptionally solid and descriptive. The drapery style of the female deities, known as "wet drapery" and associated with the artist Ts'ao Chung-ta of the Northern Ch'i dynasty(550-577), had its origin in Indian sculpture. This drapery style was introduced into China and used in the paintings of the Northern Wei dynasty(386-535). Since it was rarely used after the Northern Sung dynasty(960-1126), this painting would seem to be of a Northern Sung date and is perhaps one of the finest Buddhist paintings in our Museum.
內容簡介(中文) |
參考書目 |
劉芳如,〈宋人畫如來說法圖 軸〉,收入《國寶的形成-書畫菁華特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2017.10),頁162-165、316。
參考書目 |
國立故宮博物院編輯委員會,〈宋人畫如來說法圖 軸〉,收入《故宮書畫菁華特輯》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1996.10),頁150-151。