宋李成寒江釣艇 軸 李成;Li Cheng , 170x101.9


基本資料 藏品類型 繪畫
文物統一編號 故畫000036N000000000 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄
作品號 故畫00003600000
品名 宋李成寒江釣艇 軸
Fishing Boat on a Wintry River
分類 繪畫
作者 李成;Li Cheng
數量 一軸

典藏尺寸 【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 170x101.9

質地 【質地位置】 【質地】

題跋資料 【題跋類別】 【作者】 【位置】 【款識】 【書體】 【全文】
題跋 本幅 文山復心為戴氏□□書 萬仞之山高插天。瀑布飛流千尺泉。山高仰見三峽近。白晝但見雲連烟。岧嶤直下幾百里。巖上有松巖下水。老松偃蓋走虯龍。六月蕭蕭寒風起。江間浪靜一漁舟。怡然獨釣披羊裘。長竿掣得□鰲上。不帶紅塵半點愁。此翁佳趣誰能若。呂望嚴陵擬斟酌。江山可易心不移。樂山樂水有真樂。畫師好手良難逢。萬物收拾歸圖中。便將風月等閒看。不出門庭要令生意終無窮。文山復心為戴氏□□書。
題跋 本幅 文江。默庵。 青山崔嵬勢接天。山中白雪飛岩泉。山耶水耶倚空壁。蒼蒼萬頃和雲煙。初疑蓬萊三萬里。無波無濤隔弱水。又疑帝子撒瓊瑤。破肉寒商揚石起。悠悠一叟棹輕舟。四時穿著如狐裘。厖眉白髮天下老。寸心炯炯無閑愁。嗟哉子陵未似若。錦鱗白酒恣傾酌。十二時中風雨來。兩耳不聞自歡樂。好山好水真難逢。誰能置我乎岩中。還君此畫更歎息。□□茅屋可歲終。何窮。(原文僅寫至此處)。文江。默庵。

印記資料 【印記類別】 【印記】
鑑藏寶璽 嘉慶御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 宣統御覽之寶
收傳印記 畢瀧藏書畫記

主題 【主題類別】 【主題(第一層)】 【主題(第二層)】 【主題說明】
主要主題 山水 冬景(雪景)
主要主題 樹木
其他主題 器用 耕織漁獵 釣具
其他主題 漁船
其他主題 樹木 寒林.枯樹
其他主題 山水 溪澗、湍泉
其他主題 山水 江河、湖海
其他主題 山水 瀑布
其他主題 人物 漁夫、船夫

技法 【技法】 【技法細目】

參考資料 【類別】 【參考資料】
收藏著錄 故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁36-37
收藏著錄 故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁149-150
參考書目 1.許郭璜,〈宋李成寒江釣艇〉,收入《李郭山水畫系特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1999年初版),頁19-22。 2.〈北宋李成寒江釣艇圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《名寶上珍》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年初版一刷),頁212。
內容簡介(中文) 李成(西元916—967年),字咸熙。他是唐朝皇室的後裔,本住長安,唐末遷移到青州(今山東益都)。他的性情放蕩不羈,喜好喝酒、吟詩,擅長山水畫。山泉從懸崖上奔瀉而下,幾株古松參差挺峙。白雪覆蓋著大地,黝黑之中,顯得天地沉陰,江流寒凍,而有一個漁人在寒江中獨釣,善於形容寒意。山石皴染有如雲狀,圓渾厚重。用筆常扭轉運行,速度頗快,甚為粗放活潑。漁翁、小船的用筆全中鋒,細密穩健。
內容簡介(英文) Above a river bank, a waterfall cascades into the depths of a ravine. Several pines rise up from the bank above an old man who contentedly fishes the wintry waters. The land is covered by snow and the dark sky appears foreboding. The washes of texture strokes that define the rocks and mountains are effervescent, yet full and voluminous. The use of the brush in describing the trees and outlines of the rocks is animated and lively , while the renditions of the fisherman and skiff are steady. The artist here was obviously familiar with the style of Li Ch’eng and Kuo His (fl.11th c.) known as Li-Kuo. This painting bears neither seal nor signature of artist and has been traditionally attributed to Li Ch’eng. Some modern scholars believe that it might be from the hand of the Li-Kuo School painter Chu Te-jun (1294-1365) of the Yuan dynasty.
內容簡介(中文) 李成(西元九一六—九六七年),唐朝皇室後裔,五代山東人。五代北宋初為水墨山水畫成熟時期,李成的松石平遠,富呎尺千里氣象。與北方荊浩、關仝、范寬,南方董源、巨然發展成兩大山水畫系。畫中高山飛瀑,巖上老松偃蓋。前景巨松挺立,漁人寒江獨釣。山石皴染如雲狀,受北宋郭熙山水畫皴法影響。然用筆活潑快速,不完全拘泥於物象。由畫風及題跋書風來看,應可接受為元人李郭畫風作品。
內容簡介(英文) Li Ch’eng, a T’ang imperial descendant, was a native of Shantung. Ink landscape painting peaked in the Five Dynasties and early Sung, with Li’s level-distance pines and rocks having great distance. With such northern artists as Ching Hao, Kuan T’ung, and Fan K’uan, they formed a great landscape tradition. The tall peak with a cascade here is dotted with old pines and craggy forms. Great pines stand in front, where a fisherman is alone on the cold river. Earthen forms, textured and washed into cloud-like shapes, reflect the later influence of Kuo Hsi’s texture method. The vigorous, quick brushwork also does not fully adhere to natural forms. Thus, the painting and inscription style suggest a Yuan (1279-1368) work influenced by the Li-Kuo style.
內容簡介(中文) 李成(916-967),唐朝皇室後裔,山東人。五代至北宋初,李成的松石平遠,富呎尺千里氣象,與北方的荊浩、關仝、范寬,以及南方的董源、巨然發展出中國水墨山水畫的兩大系統。 畫中高山飛瀑,巖上老松偃蓋。前景巨松挺立,漁人寒江獨釣。山石皴染如雲,受北宋郭熙山水畫皴法影響,然用筆活潑快速,不完全拘泥於物象。由畫風及題跋書風來看,推測為元人李郭派的作品。(20110913)
內容簡介(英文) Li Cheng, a descendant of the Tang dynasty imperial clan, was a native of Shandong first active in the Five Dynasties period. From the Five Dynasties to early Song dynasty, Li’s level-distance renderings of pines and rocks, with their atmosphere of great distance, formed part of the major northern tradition of Chinese ink landscape painting along with such northern artists as Jing Hao, Guan Tong, and Fan Kuan, in contrast to the southern tradition of Dong Yuan and Juran. In this painting is a tall peak and a cascade with old pines dotting the craggy forms. Great pines stand in front, where a fisherman is alone on the cold river. Earthen forms, textured and washed into cloud-like shapes, reflect the later influence of Guo Xi’s texturing method. The vigorous, quick brushwork also does not fully adhere to natural forms. Thus, the style of the painting and inscription suggest a Yuan dynasty artist influenced by the Li-Guo School. (20110913)