文物統一編號 |
作品號 |
故畫00171400000 |
品名 |
清丁觀鵬摹顧愷之洛神圖 卷
Copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Nymph of the Luo River" |
分類 |
繪畫 |
作者 |
丁觀鵬,Ding Guanpeng |
創作時間 |
清高宗乾隆十九年(1754) |
數量 |
一卷 |
位置 |
尺寸(公分) |
隔水二 |
28.1x12.2 |
隔水一 |
28.1x13.2 |
隔水三 |
28.1x14.6 |
引首 |
28.1x33.1 |
本幅 |
28.1x587.5 |
題跋類別 |
作者 |
位置 |
款識 |
書體 |
全文 |
作者款識 |
印記 expand_more
本幅 |
乾隆十九年(西元一七五四年)四月。臣丁觀鵬奉勑恭摹。 |
楷書 |
題跋 |
印記 expand_more
引首 |
甲戌(西元一七五四年)孟夏御筆。 |
行楷書 |
嬉。左倚采旄。右蔭桂旗。攘皓捥於神滸兮。採湍瀨之玄芝。余情悅其淑美兮。心悵蕩而不怡。無良媒以接歡兮。託微波以通辭。願誠素之先達兮。解玉珮以要之。嗟佳人之信脩兮。羌習禮而明詩。抗瓊珶以和予兮。指潛淵而爲期。執拳拳之款實兮。懼斯靈之我欺。感交甫之棄言。悵猶豫而狐疑。收和顏以靜志兮。申禮防以自持。於是洛靈感焉。徙倚仿偟。神光離合。乍陰乍陽。擢輕軀以鸐立。若將飛而未翔。踐椒塗之郁烈兮。步衡薄而流芳。超長吟以慕遠兮。聲哀厲而彌長。爾迺眾靈雜遝。命疇嘯侶。或戲清流。或翔神渚。或採明珠。或拾翠羽。從南湘之二姚兮。攜漢濱之遊女。歎㚿媧之無匹兮。詠牽牛之獨處。揚輕袿之倚靡兮。翳脩袖以延佇。體迅飛。偶得宋牋。喜其堅緻宜墨。因臨子敬洛神十三行。甲戌(西元一七五四年)孟夏御筆。 |
印主 |
印記 |
清高宗 |
乾 |
清高宗 |
隆 |
清高宗 |
幾暇臨池 |
題跋 |
印記 expand_more
本幅 |
丙子(西元一七五六年)初冬御筆。 |
行書 |
見說後生畏。誰云前藝空。神傳期阿堵。目送易歸鴻。詎在依形肖。堪稱積健雄。緬懷八斗韻。三百有遺風。命丁觀鵬仿顧愷之洛神圖成。即用題顧卷原韻題之。丙子(西元一七五六年)初冬御筆。 |
印記類別 |
印主 |
印記 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
八徵耄念之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
三希堂精鑑璽 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
五福五代堂古稀天子寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
古希天子 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
石渠寶笈 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
宜子孫 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
信天主人 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
宣統帝 |
宣統御覽之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
乾隆宸翰 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
乾隆御覽之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
乾隆鑑賞 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
淳化軒 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
淳化軒圖書珍秘寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清仁宗 |
嘉慶御覽之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清仁宗 |
嘉慶鑑賞 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
壽 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清仁宗 |
寶笈三編 |
主題類別 |
主題(第一層) |
主題(第二層) |
主題說明 |
主要主題 |
經史‧故事 |
故事(洛神賦) |
次要主題 |
人物 |
仕女 |
次要主題 |
人物 |
侍從(侍女、童僕) |
侍徒 |
次要主題 |
人物 |
官員(臣) |
曹植 |
次要主題 |
人物 |
軍士 |
次要主題 |
人物 |
高士(士人、隱士) |
高士 |
次要主題 |
人物 |
圉人 |
次要主題 |
山水 |
次要主題 |
山水 |
江河、湖海 |
江河 |
次要主題 |
山水 |
雲 |
次要主題 |
佛道人物 |
神、仙 |
洛神 |
次要主題 |
佛道人物 |
鬼怪 |
次要主題 |
車 |
獸力車 |
次要主題 |
船 |
客舫 |
其他主題 |
水中動植物 |
魚 |
其他主題 |
走獸 |
馬 |
其他主題 |
走獸 |
龍 |
其他主題 |
花草 |
蓮荷 |
其他主題 |
祥瑞 |
其他主題 |
祥瑞 |
獨角獸 |
其他主題 |
翎毛 |
雁 |
其他主題 |
翎毛 |
鸞鳳 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
兵器 |
弓 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
花器 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
扇 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
耕織漁獵 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
傢俱(屏風) |
座椅 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
傘 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
飲食器 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
旗 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
樂器 |
鼓 |
其他主題 |
器用 |
燭台.蠟燭 |
其他主題 |
樹木 |
松 |
其他主題 |
樹木 |
楊柳 |
技法 |
技法細目 |
人物衣紋描法(勻稱線條) |
人物衣紋描法(粗細線條) |
工筆 |
皴法 |
類別 |
參考資料 |
內容簡介 |
Description |
Ting Kuan-p'eng, a native of Peking, entered service as a court painter in 1726 and was admired by the Ch'ien-lung Emperor, being praised as “The Painter Among Painters.” Although this handscroll is labeled a copy, only the arrangement of image and text as well as forms and positions of the figures are similar to the original. The technique of the blue-and-green landscape painting and the use of gold for outlining reflect a mature gold-and-green landscape style post-dating the original. The forms and brushwork of the trees, as well as the coloring, also already reflect the Wu School style from the middle of the Ming (1368-1644). Ting Kuan-p'eng was influenced by Western styles, as seen here in the use of shading and perspective.
參考書目 |
1.王耀庭,〈清丁觀鵬摹顧愷之洛神圖 卷〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會主編《文學名著與美術特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2001.10),頁90、167-168。
3.林莉娜,〈乾隆皇帝的文化大業 清丁觀鵬摹顧愷之洛神圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第236期(2002年11月),頁12。
5.石守謙,〈洛神賦圖:一個傳統的形塑與發展 〉,《國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊》,第23期(2007),頁51-80。
6.鄭淑方,〈西風迴雪 長吟永慕—從丁觀鵬〈摹顧愷之洛神圖〉看經典圖式的創新〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第346期(2012年01月),頁4-18。
網頁展示說明 |
網頁展示說明 |
Ding Guanpeng (fl. 1726-1770), a native of Shuntian (modern Beijing), entered service in the Painting Academy at the Qing dynasty court under the Yongzheng Emperor in 1726. He excelled at figure painting and specialized in Buddhist and Taoist subjects, his landscapes with ruled-line motifs being orderly and meticulous. He once studied painting under the Italian Jesuit Giuseppe Castiglione (Lang Shining) and was strongly influenced by Western methods. In 1741, under the Qianlong Emperor, he was promoted to "Painter of the First Rank." Draft of the Qing History also states, "The Painting Academy flourished in the Kangxi and Qianlong reigns, the best painters being Tang Dai, Lang Shining, Zhang Zongcang, Jin Tingbiao, and Ding Guanpeng." The Qianlong Emperor also offered a critique of Ding as follows: "Ding Guanpeng excelled at copying and was also good at coloring." And an excellent example representative of Ding Guanpeng's work on display here is "Copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Nymph of the Luo River,'" an imitation done after an ancient painting in the court collection.
"Nymph of the Luo River" is a painting that illustrates subject matter from the famous love poem by Cao Zhi (192-232) entitled "Ode to the Nymph of the Luo River." The contents of the ode tell how Cao Zhi in 222, after having an audience with Emperor Wendi of the Wei, embarked on a journey from Luoyang heading east to his fiefdom of Juancheng. Along the way on the Luo River, he chanced upon a spirit lady by the name of Concubine Mi, Nymph of the Luo River, and fell in love with her. Despite their mutual affection, a relationship transcending the human and spirit realms was doomed, and they eventually had to part ways. This painting is divided into scenery according to sections in the ode: (E1--20120101)
網頁展示說明 |
"Stopping to Rest," "Startling the Beauty," "Enjoyments" ("Picking Fungi," "Cassia Pennants"), "Multitude of Spirits" ("Enjoying the Current," "Soaring over Banks," "Xiang Concubines," "River Maiden"), "The Hesitation," "Preparing the Carriage" ("Wind Deity Pingyi," "River Empress Chuanhou," "River Deity Fengyi," "Goddess Nuwa"), "The Departure," and "The Sorrowful Return" ("On a Boat," "Sitting at Night," "Heading East"). Comparisons in terms of narrative structure and the relationship between figures and the landscape indicate that the original upon which Ding Guanpeng based this copy is most likely "Nymph of the Luo River" attributed to Gu Kaizhi (now in the Palace Museum, Beijing). Although this handscroll is purportedly a copy by Ding, the landscape forms are transformed from the simple archaism of ancient classical painting to a full-blown "blue-and-green" landscape with the proportional relationship between the figures and landscape motifs refined to become more accurate. Ding Guanpeng, with his training in Western methods of chiaroscuro and coloring as well as one-point perspective, rendered the facial features, bodies of the horses, and spatial layering to accord more closely with actual visual experience.
Innumerable paintings based on the text in "Nymph of the Luo River" have been done over the ages. Here, the Painting Academy at the Qing court conducted a preliminary test of Western methods, using its bright period style to endow this copy with new meaning. In this regard, the Qianlong Emperor wrote the following words of praise: "It is said the younger generation surpasses the older, thus someone says it is because their achievements are based on the past." The combination of a classical mode of representation and traditional motifs with Western painting techniques makes this painting one of the best examples of the Qing court's effort at "modeling upon the ancients to create something new."
網頁展示說明 |
「洛神図」は、曹植(192-232)の愛情を詠った著名な詩文「洛神賦」を題材にした絵畫作品です。「洛神賦」の內容はおおよそ以下のようなものです。黃初3年(222)に曹植が魏文帝に朝見した後、洛陽から東の領地鄄城に帰る途中で、洛水(川)を渡っている時に洛水の女神宓妃に出会って恋に落ち、互いに思いを寄せるようになりましたが、住む世界の異なる二人は、結局別れ別れになってしまいました。「洛陽図」は物語の各場面ごとに分けて描かれています。休憩、驚豔、嬉戲(採芝、桂旗)、眾靈 (戲流、翔渚、湘妃、游女)、徬徨、備駕(屏翳、川后、馮夷、女媧)、離去、悵帰(泛舟、夜坐、東帰)─これら物語の流れと景物の關わりを比べた結果、丁観鵬が臨模した原本は北京故宮博物院所蔵の「伝顧愷之洛神図」だと考えられます。(J1-20120101)
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