明宣宗書畫合璧 冊 明宣宗畫竹樹雙鵲


文物統一編號 故畫001124N000000001
作品號 故畫00112400001
品名 明宣宗書畫合璧 冊 明宣宗畫竹樹雙鵲
分類 繪畫
作者 朱瞻基
創作時間 明宣宗宣德三年(1428)
數量 一幅
位置 尺寸(公分)
本幅 29.4x33.8
質地位置 質地
題跋類別 作者 位置 款識 書體 全文
作者款識 朱瞻基 印記 expand_more 本幅 宣德戊申(西元一四二八年)御筆戲寫 行書
印主 印記
朱瞻基 廣運之寶
印記類別 印主 印記
鑑藏寶璽 清內府印 三希堂精鑑璽
鑑藏寶璽 清內府印 石渠寶笈
鑑藏寶璽 清內府印 宜子孫
鑑藏寶璽 宣統帝 宣統御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清高宗 乾隆御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清高宗 乾隆鑑賞
鑑藏寶璽 清高宗 御書房鑑藏寶
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 嘉慶御覽之寶
主題類別 主題(第一層) 主題(第二層) 主題說明
主要主題 翎毛 白頭翁 二隻
次要主題 樹木
次要主題 樹木
技法 技法細目
類別 參考資料
內容簡介 宣宗名朱瞻基(西元一三九九至一四三五年),為明仁宗嫡長子。於一四二六年即位,建元宣德,廟號宣宗。萬機之暇留神詞翰圖畫,在其倡導下明代宮廷繪畫達到前所未有高峰。現流傳作品中,多花鳥走獸之屬,隨意所至,無不臻妙。   此幅右上署『宣德戊申(一四二八年)御筆戲寫』,為「書畫合璧冊」之首幅。畫中一雙白頭翁棲於枝上,前襯以竹葉,簡筆繪之,意趣橫生。點染寫生,頗能與北宋徽宗相媲美。
內容簡介  宣宗(西元一三九九-一四三五年)姓朱,名瞻基。明成祖長孫,明代第五位皇帝,年號宣德。宣宗雅尚詞翰繪事,於書畫之作,隨意自然,往往與宣和爭勝。   首幅水墨畫竹樹白頭,後為行書自製小詞,完成於三十歲之時。雙禽採沒骨兼寫意繪法,在重要部位以濃墨鈎描。寫枯枝、撇竹葉,技巧不似十分精練,但清雅自適,而有幾分拙趣。
內容簡介 宣宗(西元一三九九-一四三五年)姓朱,名瞻基。明成祖長孫,明代第五位皇帝,年號宣德。宣宗雅尚詞翰繪事,於書畫之作,隨意自然,往往與宣和(宋徽宗)爭勝。   首幅墨畫竹樹雙鳥,後為行書自製小詞,成於宣德三年(一四二八),並鈐獎勵臣工御用璽印「廣運之寶」。雙禽採沒骨兼寫意繪法,僅在重要部份以濃墨鉤描,其技巧並不純熟,但有拙趣在其中。宣宗花鳥多仿邊文進(西元十四世紀末-十五世紀初),於令節常以御筆戲寫賜予大臣。
Description Hsuan-tsung (surname Chu, personal name Tan-chi) was the grandson of Emperor Ch'eng-tsu (r. 1403-1424). The fifth emperor of the Ming dynasty, Hsuan-tsung ruled from 1425 to 1435 under the reign name of Hsuan-te. He enjoyed writing poems and painting, and he was able to produced spontaneous and natural works of art. In many ways, he is compared with the greatest of emperor-artists, Hui-tsung (r. 1101-1125) of the Sung dynasty. The first leaf in this album of painting and calligraphy is a depiction of two birds among branches of bamboo. It includes a short poem in running script that Hsuan-tsung composed in 1428. Bearing his seal Kuang-yun chih pao ("Treasure of Kuang-yun"), this was presented to an official. The pair of birds is depicted in the boneless manner of sketching with washes, in which only the most important elements are outlined in ink. Although the painting technique is not very mature, it still retains a charm of its own. Hsuan-tsung's bird-and-flower paintings follow those of Pien Wen-chin (fl. late 14th – early 15th c.), and the emperor often presented such playfully dashed works to his high officals at the New Year.
Description Emperor Hsuan-tsung, whose personal name was Chu Chan-chi, was the grandson of Emperor Ch'eng-tzu (r.1403-1424). The fifth emperor of the Ming dynasty, he ruled from 1425 to 1435 under the reign name Hsuan-te. He enjoyed writing poems and painting, and he was able to produce free and natural works. He can thus be compared to Emperor Hui-tsung (r.1101-1125), the famous Northern Sung emperor who was a renowned artist and calligrapher. Painted when he was thirty years old, this work is comprised of a painting of bamboo, trees, and grey starlings in monochrome ink followed by poems in running calligraphy. Emperor Hsuan-tsung used the boneless method (mo- ku) to draw the pair of starlings from life and dark ink to outline the important areas. The technique in painting the withered tree branches and the bamboo leaves seems a bit weak, but the brushwork is energetic, and its slight awkwardness is a bit appealing.
Description The Emperor Hsuan-tsung, whose personal name was Chu Chan-chi, was the eldest son of the Ming Emperor Jen-tsung. In 1426, when the prince succeeded to the throne, he assumed the temple title Hsuan-tsung, proclaiming his reign to be Hsuan-te. In his spare time away from the heavy burden of imperial duties, Hsuan-tsung paid careful attention to the cultivation of literary talents and painting, and under his leadership, imperial painting attained new heights. Among the works by Hsuan-tsung which remain, many are renditions of flowers, birds and animals, and he excelled in whatever genres he set his heart to. In the upper right hand corner of this composition is the Hsuan-te seal and signature dated 1428. Portrayed is a pair of gray starlings perched on a branch, a spray of bamboo leaves beneath them. The abbreviated brushwork is sketchy and simple, but the depiction is brimming with character and animation. The technical skillfulness in this painting drawn from life can vie with that of Emperor Hui-tsung of the Northern Sung Dynasty.
收藏著錄 石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁866
收藏著錄 故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁30
收藏著錄 故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁158-161
抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄