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Along the River During the Ch’ing ming Festival Season by Chang Tse-tuan (fl. early 12th cent.) is a masterful depiction of popular customs which has been revered and often copied throughout the dynasties. There are seven versions alone in the National Palace Museum, and this one by court painters of the Imperial Painting Academy of the Ch’ien-Lung emperor (r.1736-1795 ) is the most famous. This painting is a collaborative work by the court painters Ch’en Mei, Sun Yu, Chin K’un, Tai Hung, and Ch’en Chih-tao.
Brilliantly colored and characterized by sure, round brushwork, this represents a fine example of Ch’ing dynasty court painting. The bridges and buildings depicted in the ruled-line method (chieh-hua) as well as figures are exquisitely detailed. Although this painting has lost the archaic feel of the Sung dynasty version, it presents a tableau of the scenes of Peking from the late Ming and early Ch’ing period.
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The original version of Up the River on the Ch’ing-ming Festival from the Sung dynasty is a masterpiece of genre painting. Many copies were made over the centuries. This is a collaborative effort of 5 Ch’ing court artists-Ch’eh Mei, Chin K’un, Tai Hung, and Ch’eng Chih-tao-and was completed in 1736, hence its name as the “Ch’ing court version.” The contents are extremely rich, following after the styles and contents of previous versions. With its bright coloring and mature brushwork, the ruled-line representation of the architecture and the rendering of the figures are fine and exact. Although it departs from the Sung version (960-1279), it is an invaluable source of study for Ming and Ch’ing society and customs.
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“Up the River During Qingming” is a masterpiece of realistic genre painting, with many copies of it being done over the centuries. This version, a collaborative effort of five Qing court artists—Chen Mei, Sun Hu, Jin Kun, Dai Hong, and Cheng Zhidao, was completed in 1736, the first year of the Qianlong Emperor’s reign. Known as the “Qing court version,” the handscroll is quite rich, following the styles and contents of previous versions. With its bright coloring and mature brushwork, the ruled-line representation of the architecture and the rendering of the figures are fine and exact. Although it departs from old prototype of the Song dynasty (960-1279), it is an invaluable source of study for both later Ming and Qing society and customs.(20100408)
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網頁展示說明 |
Many versions of the painting "Up the River During Qingming" ("Along the River During the Ching-ming Festival") have survived over the ages. Alone in the National Palace Museum collection are eight, the most famous of which is the "Qing Court Version of 'Up the River During Qingming'" (accession number Guhua 01100). This handscroll was completed through the effort and cooperation of five Qing dynasty court artists--Chen Mei, Sun Hu, Jin Kun, Dai Hong, and Cheng Zhidao.
This painting, done in ink and colors on silk, measures 35.6 centimeters tall by 1,152.8 centimeters long. The frontispiece includes imperial poetry by the Qianlong Emperor transcribed by his court official Liang Shizheng (1697-1763). At the end of the painting at the far left is the signature inscription of the artists that reads, "Reverently painted by Your Servants, Chen Mei, Sun Hu, Jin Kun, Dai Hong, and Cheng Zhidao, and respectfully submitted [to the Emperor] on the 15th day of the 12th month of the Qianlong first year (i.e., 1736)." Two seal impressions ("Your Servant, Mei" and "Your Servant, Sun Hu") also appear with it.
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The handscroll can be roughly divided into five major sections. The first is comprised of serene rustic scenery, followed next by a section focusing on Rainbow Bridge, which also represents the climax with its crowded market scene. The third section describes the bustling activity outside the city gate, and the fourth progresses from the Pine and Bamboo (Songzhu) Hall to a large wooden bridge with scenery along both sides of the river. The last section portrays the beautiful site of Golden Brightness (Jinming) Lake.
Architectural elements throughout the handscroll were all done using the principles of Western perspective, the buildings and streets distinctly rendered in appropriate proportion. The distance between near and far has been accurately grasped, and there is even Western-style architecture found in the painting. With the brushwork throughout the handscroll precise and the coloring dazzling, this work is truly a gem of ingenuity and realism in Chinese painting. (20100408--E2)
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『清明上河図』はこれまで多數の版本が伝えられており、故宮でも八点を収蔵している。中でも『清 院本清明上河図』(故畫1100)が最も有名である。本卷は清代の宮廷畫家である陳枚、孫祜、金昆、戴洪、および程志道ら五人によって完成された。
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作品は大きく五つのシーンに分けられる。始めはのどかな田舍の風景が広がり、放牧する牧童、岸辺で凧揚げをしている子ども、琴を抱えて橋を渡る文士などが描かれ、ゆったりとした時間が流れている。その先には花嫁を迎えに行く長い行列があり、大勢の人が足を留めて眺めている。廟の前の広場に設けられた芝居の舞台では、三國志演義「貂蟬 美人の計」が上演され、舞台の前にたくさんの観客がつめかけている。二つ目のシーンは虹橋を中心に、道に沿って市へ出掛ける人々、河道を往來する船、虹橋の両側に整然と並んだ商店街などが描かれている。人の波でごった返した市が、このシーンのクライマックスとなっている。三つ目のシーンでは、城門の內外を人々が賑やかに往來している。城門はアーチ型で、上部には精巧な楼閣が建っている。城內の建物は整然と並んでおり、銀行や飯屋、染物屋、飴屋、肉屋、吳服屋など、衣食住と娛楽に關するあらゆる店がそろっている。このほか、狀元(進士の首席及第者)の邸宅、大邸宅の庭園なども描かれ、庭園の築山や湖水がとても美しい。大通りには、散策する者、友人を訪ねる者、引っ越しをする者、水撒きをする者、石を運搬する者、けんかをする者、売り買いする者、物乞いをする者、托鉢する者、拳術を披露する者など、さまざまな人物が描写されている。(20100408--J2)
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參考書目 |
1.嵇若昕,〈清院本清明上河圖〉,收入馮明珠主編,《乾隆皇帝的文化事業》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2002年初版一刷),頁22- 23。
3.高木森,〈葉落柳枯秋意濃 — 重釋清明上河圖的畫意〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第18期(1984年9月),封底裡。
4.蕭瓊瑞,〈清明上河圖畫名意義的再認識〉,《中華民國建國八十年中國藝術文物討論會論文集 書畫(上)》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1992),頁111-138。
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