藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野盤雕

Autumn Wilderness and Circling Eagle


文物統一編號 故畫001241N000000009
作品號 故畫00124100009
品名 藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野盤雕
Autumn Wilderness and Circling Eagle
分類 繪畫
作者 惠崇
數量 一幅
位置 尺寸(公分)
本幅 23.7x24.9
對幅 23.7x24.9
全幅 38.5x80
質地位置 質地
題跋類別 作者 位置 款識 書體 全文
題籤 楷書 惠崇秋野盤雕
題跋 清高宗 印記 expand_more 對幅 行書 鷙鳥盤空意氣揚。野禽觳觫計深藏。寫生雖具傳神筆。以曰僧規却不當。
印主 印記
清高宗 八徵耄念之寶
清高宗 自彊不息
印記類別 印主 印記
收傳印記 (一半印不可辨)
收傳印記 王世貞 元(半印)
收傳印記 王世貞 貞(半印)
收傳印記 梅□收藏
收傳印記 項元汴 墨林祕玩
鑑藏寶璽 清高宗 八徵耄念之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清高宗 五福五代堂寶
鑑藏寶璽 清高宗 太上皇帝之寶
主題類別 主題(第一層) 主題(第二層) 主題說明
主要主題 山水 秋景
主要主題 翎毛 斑鳩
次要主題 樹木
其他主題 樹木
技法 技法細目
類別 參考資料
內容簡介 惠崇(約活動於11世紀前半葉),福建建陽人。為北宋名僧,擅畫鵝鷹,尤工小景,善為寒汀遠渚,瀟洒虛曠之象。 坡石叢竹間,橫出一株桃樹,花朵綴滿枝頭。鳩四隻,一盤飛空中,一停棲枝上,另兩隻則行喙於草地上。舊標「秋野盤雕」,題或有誤。所繪為春日鄉間野景,情趣宛然。 本幅為藝苑藏集冊之一開。
內容簡介   誤植畫名「秋野盤雕」,標惠崇(約活動於11世紀前半葉)所作,或因其善作小景所致。郊野一隅,草地坡石上桃花、細竹,斑頸鳩四隻,各有姿態。翠綠搭配粉色,展現春日嫵媚,筆墨亦見纖秀。 幅中枝幹行筆節節提頓,與傳宋黃居寀「竹石錦鳩」和推斷為馬麟所作宋人「桃花」相類。竹葉造型、筆法也有「竹石錦鳩」之意,描繪鳥類則多烘染。相對於二者的緊實,本幅較舒散,創作時間或近於馬麟。(20101015)
Description The current label was mistakenly placed on this painting at some point in the past and the artist given as Huichong, perhaps because he was famous for his depiction of intimate scenes. In the corner of a rustic setting appears a flowering peach tree with slender bamboo on an outcropping by a grassy slope. Four spotted-necked doves are in a variety of poses. The verdant greenery with touches of pink bring out the beauty of this spring day, the brush and ink being equally fine and beautiful. The trunk and branches of the tree here were done with running brushwork that started and stopped often, similar to the painting “Bamboo, Rocks, and Turtledoves” attributed to Huang Jucai and to “Peach Blossoms” now suggested as having been done by Ma Lin. The shape of the bamboo leaves and the brushwork are in the manner of “Bamboo, Rocks, and Turtledoves” as well, the depiction of the birds done mostly in washes. When the three are compared, this work appears more spacious, perhaps having been done closer in time to Ma Lin.(20101015)
Description Hui-ch'ung was a native of Chien-yang in Fukien province. A famous monk of the Northern Sung (960-1126), he was noted for his renditions of waterfowl and birds of prey, but was especially known for his small, intimate scenes. Some of his favorite themes were those of wintry rivers and distant islets. Among earthen slopes and bamboo clumps, a peach tree has thrust its way sideways, extending horizontally. Blossoms cluster together and fill its branch. Four turtledoves are portrayed; one in flight, another perched on a peach branch, and a pair pecking for food among the grass. The carefree, uncultivated scene evokes a natural, unrestrained atmosphere of the wilds in springtime. Judging from the subject matter, the earlier label with the title “Eagles Soaring Above an Autumn Plain” attached to this leaf must have been a misplacement.
收藏著錄 石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1681
收藏著錄 故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁203
參考書目 1.譚怡令,〈秋野盤雕〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化‧書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁371-372。
收藏著錄 〈藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野盤雕〉,收入李玉珉主編《故宮書畫圖錄(卅一)》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2012.12),頁54-59。
參考書目 何傳馨,〈藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野盤雕〉,收入《文藝紹興-南宋藝術與文化‧書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010.10),頁238、371-372。
參考書目 許文美,〈藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野盤雕〉,收入林麗江、何炎泉主編《寫盡繁華-晚明文化人王世貞與他的志業》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2022.10),頁76-77。
抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄