明仇英桐陰晝靜圖 軸

Reading Quietly in the Shade of Pawlonia Trees


文物統一編號 故畫000481N000000000
作品號 故畫00048100000
品名 明仇英桐陰晝靜圖 軸
Reading Quietly in the Shade of Pawlonia Trees
分類 繪畫
作者 仇英,Qiu Ying,Qiu Ying
數量 一軸
位置 尺寸(公分)
本幅 147x64.3
全幅 177.8x94.4
詩塘 30.8x64.3
質地位置 質地
題跋類別 作者 位置 款識 書體 全文
作者款識 仇英 印記 expand_more 本幅 實父仇英製 楷書
印主 印記
仇英 十洲
題跋 清高宗 印記 expand_more 詩塘 乾隆壬戌秋御題 行書 日長山静綠梧稠。坐聽沿階活水流。一室蕭然惟四壁。片言得意足千秋。心將太宇同寥濶。意與閒雲共去留。掩卷匡牀髙卧處。蝶原是我我原周。乾隆壬戌(西元一七四二年)秋御題。
印主 印記
清高宗 奉三無私
清高宗 惟精惟一
清高宗 乾隆宸翰
印記類別 印主 印記
鑑藏寶璽 清內府印 三希堂精鑑璽
鑑藏寶璽 清內府印 石渠寶笈
鑑藏寶璽 清內府印 宜子孫
鑑藏寶璽 宣統帝 宣統御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清高宗 乾隆御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 嘉慶御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 嘉慶鑑賞
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 寶笈三編
主題類別 主題(第一層) 主題(第二層) 主題說明
主要主題 山水
主要主題 樹木 梧桐
次要主題 人物 高士(士人、隱士) 高士一人
次要主題 山水 溪澗、湍泉
次要主題 建築 茅亭
次要主題 建築 齋館
次要主題 樹木
其他主題 山水 瀑布
其他主題 花草 玉簪花
其他主題 花草 百合花
其他主題 花草 萱花
其他主題 器用 文房用具 筆筒、毛筆、硯台、水洗
其他主題 器用 文玩(琴棋書畫)
其他主題 器用 傢俱(屏風) 躺椅一、長桌一
技法 技法細目
類別 參考資料
內容簡介   仇英(約西元一四九四-一五五二年),江蘇太倉人。此圖繪文人在山林草堂讀書賞景的幽居生活,樹竹等描寫工整細緻筆法,賦色雅麗。皴筆多頓挫方硬,吸收文派細筆山水的技法,雖非出自仇英之手,當為明畫無疑。   一士人攤書於四面平條案上,閉目坐交椅上假寐。椅下部如同胡床,上部靠背板與座面為藤編物,上有一荷葉托首以托住頸部,非常舒適。此椅與《三才圖會》醉翁椅相同,扶手延伸較長,前腿間有踏床,是明代流行用具。上海博物館所藏仇英「梧竹書堂」與此圖構圖相同。
內容簡介   仇英,生卒不詳,其作品見於正德己巳至嘉靖壬子間(西元一五○九-一五五二年),垂四十餘年。太倉人,字實父,號十洲。畫師周臣,為明四大家之一。   臨水第軒,一人偃臥椅上,軒外桐梢障天,竹林冪地,幽泉隱咽於叢篁之間,飛瀑長懸於雲氣之外,蓋寫夏日景色而自有清涼之韻。仇英畫法精麗艷逸,畫樹亦如山石人物,筆筆週到。
Description Meditating Under the Shade of the Pirmiana Tree Ch’iu Ying (fl.ca. 1490-1552) Ming Dynasty Ch’iu Ying, a native of the Shanghai region, flourished near Soochou. His tzu (style name) was Shih-fu and his hao (sobriquet) was Shih-chou. He was instructed by Chou Ch’en, and although not of literati, he received the adulation of the literati and is considered one of the Four Great Masters of the Ming dynasty. A thatched hut opens to the cool of a flowing stream. A gentleman dozes inside the hut under the shade of a luxuriant firmiana tree, its branches stretching to the sky. Outside thickets of bamboo carpet the ground, the thickets partially enshrouded by the mist of a flying waterfall. Depicting a typical day of summertime leisure, the artist has successfully captured the idyllic mood of such a scene. His trees are painted with care, charm and refinement just as his mountains, rocks, and figures are.
Description Reading Quietly in the Shade of Pawlonia Trees Ch’iu Ying (ca. 1494-1552) Ming Dynasty Chiu Ying was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. In this painting, a scholar enjoys the quiet, peaceful scenery while taking a break from his studies in a thatched hall in the countryside. The trees and bamboo have been rendered with exceptional detail and the application of color is elegant and refined. The texturing has been done with a stiff and hesitant brush, reflecting the influence of the delicate landscape style associated with Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559). Although this work is not by Ch’iu Ying, it is a superb example nonetheless. The scholar has placed his books on a table flush on all sides and sits with eyes closed as if at sleep on the foldable chair. The lower part of the chair is like that of a "barbarian seat," while the top has a headrest in the shape of a lotus-leaf to support the neck and make it even more comfortable. This is the so-called "Drunken Man’s Chair" found illustrated in the contemporary Pictorial Encyclopedia of Heaven, Earth, and Man (San-ts’ai t’u hui). The chair is reclinable with armrests and a footrest, and it was popular in the Ming dynasty. Ch’iu Ying’s "Studying in a Hall Among Bamboo and Pawlonia," now in the Shanghai Museum, is similar in composition to this work.
收藏著錄 石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1879
收藏著錄 故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁354
收藏著錄 故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁255-256
參考書目 許文美、劉芳如,〈明仇英桐陰晝靜圖 軸〉,收入《明四大家特展-仇英》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2014.10),頁30-35、272、317。
參考書目 〈明仇英桐陰晝靜圖 軸〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會、林莉娜主編《畫中家具特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1996.10),頁66-67、124。
抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄