文物統一編號 |
作品號 |
贈書00064100000 |
品名 |
清汪洵書周弡仲作簠銘 單片
Inscription from the Mi Zhong Fu of the Zhou |
分類 |
法書 |
作者 |
汪洵,Wang Xun |
書體 |
篆書 |
數量 |
一軸 |
作品語文 |
漢文 |
釋文 |
弡仲作寶簠。擇之金。鋛鈗鏷鋁。其炱。其玄。其黃。用盛秫稻米焦梁。用饗大正。音王賓。饙俱旨飤。弡仲受無疆福。諸友飧飤俱飽。弡仲畀壽。(篆書)。周張仲簠銘五十一字。見宋王復齋彝器。款識詵文無弡字。劉原父釋作張是也。橅奉震之仁兄大人鑒。淵若汪洵。(行書)。 |
位置 |
尺寸(公分) |
本幅 |
123.3x42.8 |
全幅 |
223x55.5 |
題跋類別 |
作者 |
位置 |
款識 |
書體 |
全文 |
簽 |
印記 expand_more
包首 |
陽湖汪洵書周張(應改作弡)仲作簠銘。 |
夾片 |
(浮籤)達公六十雙慶。曾昭六拜祝。 |
印記類別 |
印主 |
印記 |
收傳印記 |
曾紹杰 |
湘鄉曾氏 |
收傳印記 |
寶慈閣 |
作者印記 |
汪洵 |
子淵臨古 |
作者印記 |
汪洵 |
陽湖汪洵長壽 |
類別 |
參考資料 |
內容簡介 |
Description |
“Bronze script” refers to the inscriptions cast or engraved on bronzes. Bells and cauldrons were representative objects of state, so bronze script is also known as “bell and cauldron script.” Wang Xun, a Presented Scholar of 1892, served as a Compiler in the Hanlin Academy. Renowned for calligraphy, he excelled at seal and clerical scripts, being particularly gifted at small seal script. In his later years he made a living doing calligraphy in Shanghai. This is a transcription from the “Mi Zhong Fu of the Zhou,” recorded in Wang Fuzhai’s Inscriptions on Bells and Cauldrons of the Song. The brushwork is robust and rounded, the character structure orderly and revealing the powerful presence of bronze script. This was donated by Huang Li-jung and Huang Wen-ju.
參考書目 |