文物統一編號 |
作品號 |
故畫00044700000 |
品名 |
明沈周畫芝蘭玉樹 軸
Immortal Fungi, Orchids and Magnolias |
分類 |
繪畫 |
作者 |
沈周,Shen Zhou |
數量 |
一軸 |
題跋類別 |
作者 |
位置 |
款識 |
書體 |
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作者款識 |
印記 expand_more
本幅 |
玉蘭挺芳枝。幽蘭出深谷。生長雖不同。氣味各芬馥。沈周。 |
行書 |
題跋 |
印記 expand_more
本幅 |
祝允明 |
行書 |
玉樹芝蘭花。清香暗中起。日暮懷美人。盈盈隔湘水。祝允明。 |
題跋 |
印記 expand_more
本幅 |
匏庵吳寬 |
行書 |
一枝香雪亞牆東。千樹夭桃枉自紅。腸斷不禁明月夜。縞衣珠珮倚微風。匏庵吳寬。 |
題跋 |
印記 expand_more
本幅 |
乙酉(西元一七六五年)暮春御題 |
行書 |
芝朶丹黄蘭葉青。石邊木筆燦亭亭。畫家大有伊人念。規寫無非謝氏庭。乙酉(西元一七六五年)暮春御題。 |
印記類別 |
印主 |
印記 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
三希堂精鑑璽 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
石渠寶笈 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
宜子孫 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
宣統帝 |
宣統御覽之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
乾隆御覽之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
乾隆鑑賞 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清仁宗 |
嘉慶御覽之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清仁宗 |
嘉慶鑑賞 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清仁宗 |
寶笈三編 |
主題類別 |
主題(第一層) |
主題(第二層) |
主題說明 |
主要主題 |
花草 |
玉蘭 |
主要主題 |
花草 |
蘭.蕙 |
主要主題 |
花草 |
靈芝 |
次要主題 |
山水 |
奇石 |
類別 |
參考資料 |
內容簡介 |
沈周(西元一四二七至一五○九年),江蘇長洲人。字啟南,號石田,又號白石翁。為人寬厚有大度,能詩文,工書法,又善畫,作品造型稚拙,用筆鈍勁,用墨厚重,予人一種質重有力,古趣盎然之感。 坡上靈芝蘭草,後倚大石,石後玉蘭一株。通幅用筆極秀,與晚年筆趣大異,文徵明所學者多此種。幅上之吳寬題,與明憲宗戊戌(一四七八)年吳題林逋二札字體甚近;同年沈周所作贈吳之行畫卷,用筆秀雅又與此相類,故本幅或亦此年所作,沈周時年五十二歲。
內容簡介 |
內容簡介 |
Description |
Shen Zhou (style name Qi’nan, sobriquets Shitian and Baishiweng), a native of Changzhou (Suzhou) in Jiangsu, was a generous learned man and a skilled poet, calligrapher and painter, being known as the head of the Four Ming Masters.
Immortal fungi grow with orchids on a slope with a large rock behind. Magnolia blossoms are seen to the rear. The brushwork throughout is extremely refined and quite unlike Shen’s late work. Shen’s friend Wu Kuan inscribed the painting in a style of calligraphy that closely matches the writing seen in an inscription Wu wrote on Lin Bu’s calligraphy in 1478, and this painting may have thus been done at that time, when Shen was 52 by Chinese reckoning.
Description |
1478 Shen Chou Ling-chih, Orchids, and Magnolia Ling-chih and orchids are growing on a slope; behind them is a large rock. A magnolia tree shows its branches from behind the rock; each branch bears three to five flowers. The handling of the brush is extremely delicate, vastly different from the blunt roughness of Shen Chou’s later paintings. This is the aspect of his style which was studied by Wen Chen-ming. It was probably painted in 1478. In 1475 Wu K’uan’s father had died, and Wu had rushed back to Suchou from Peking for the funeral. On the 26th of the first month of 1478, he summoned Shen Chou to his I-su Pavilion, where they spent the night talking. In the second month, Wu K’uan went to Shen Chou’s home to see the “Two Letters” of Lin P’u and wrote an inscription on it. On the 18th he again paid a visit to the Bamboo Cottage and inscribed a small painting by Shen Chou. Wu’s inscriptions on “Ling-chih, Orchids, and Magnolia” and on the Lin P’u album are very similar in style. In the same year, Shen Chou painted a handscroll as a gift for Wu K’uan, who was about to leave for the capital, his three years of mourning for his father now past. The elegance and delicacy of the brushwork in the handscroll are close to the “Ling-chih”, making it likely that the two were executed in the same year, when Shen Chou was 51 and Wu K’uan 42. Chu Yun-ming also inscribed a poem on the painting, but probably at a later time, as he was only 17 years old in 1478.
Description |
Shen Chou was a native of Suchow, Kiangsu. He was a generous man, learned, and a skilled poet, calligrapher and painter. His paintings often give the appearance of being slightly awkward, with blunt brushwork which belies their subtle skill. They present strong, weighty imagery that calls forth a feeling of great antiquity. Immortal fungus grows with orchids on a slope with a large rock behind. A magnolia is seen in the rear. The brushwork is extremely refined and quite unlike Shen Chou’s late work. Shen Chou’s friend Wu K’uan inscribed the painting in a style of calligraphy that closely matches the writing seen in an inscription Wu wrote on Lin Pu’s calligraphy in 1478, and this painting may have been done at that time, when Shen Chou was fifty-one.
收藏著錄 |
收藏著錄 |
收藏著錄 |
參考書目 |
1.江兆申,〈沈周芝蘭玉樹 軸〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《吳派畫九十年展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),頁296。
參考書目 |
何炎泉、陳階晉、陳韻如,〈明沈周畫芝蘭玉樹 軸〉,收入《明四大家特展-沈周》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2014.01),頁130-131、319。
參考書目 |
〈明沈周畫芝蘭玉樹 軸〉,收入何炎泉主編《毫端萬象-祝允明書法特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2013.01),頁326-327、379。