民國鄭午昌橫月 單片

Traversing the Moon


文物統一編號 贈畫000812N000000000
作品號 贈畫00081200000
品名 民國鄭午昌橫月 單片
Traversing the Moon
分類 繪畫
作者 鄭午昌,Zheng Wuchang
創作時間 中華民國三十六年(1947)
數量 一幅
位置 尺寸(公分)
本幅 18.7x 51.8
全幅 36.4x59.6
質地位置 質地
題跋類別 作者 位置 款識 書體 全文
作者款識 鄭午昌 印記 expand_more 本幅 橫月。丁亥(西元一九四七年)秋鄭午昌。 行書
印主 印記
鄭午昌 弱龕
鄭午昌 鄭昶之印
印記類別 印主 印記
收傳印記 林宗毅 定靜堂
收傳印記 林宗毅
主題類別 主題(第一層) 主題(第二層) 主題說明
主要主題 花草 梅(白.紅.蠟梅) 紅梅
技法 技法細目
類別 參考資料
內容簡介 鄭午昌(西元一八九四-一九五二年),名昶,號弱龕。浙江嵊縣人。曾任教上海美專及新華藝專。一九二九年組織蜜峰畫社。工書善詩文,繪畫山水、花卉、仕女,都很專長,又能篆刻。在繪畫史與理論方面也有專著傳世。此幅扇面作於民國三十六年(一九四七),畫古幹紅梅,自左至右,橫踞畫幅上端,枝椏折返,綴以幾朵盛開的紅梅,十分醒目。本冊為林宗毅林誠先生捐贈。
內容簡介 鄭午昌(一八九四-一九五二),名昶,號弱龕。浙江嵊縣人。曾任教上海美專及新華藝專。一九二九年組蜜蜂畫社。除詩、書、畫藝外,亦擅篆刻。繪事題材,無所不專,一生致力於創作及畫史理論等研究,成就斐然。此幅畫古幹紅梅,橫踞於畫幅上端,枝椏折返,構圖奇特,筆法穩健,紅梅點綴於其間,十分醒目。此畫成於丁亥(一九四七)年。 本冊為林誠道先生捐贈。
Description Traversing the Moon Cheng Wu-ch’ang (1894-1952) Republican Period Cheng Wu-ch’ang (name Ch’ang, sobriquet Jo-k’an), a native of Sheng-hsien, Chekiang, taught at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and Hsin-hua Academy of Art. In 1929, he formed the Mi-feng Painting Society. Besides painting, calligraphy, and poetry, he also did seal carving. Gifted in many painting subjects, his lifetime of devotion to the arts left many artworks and writings. This painting from 1947, donated by Mr. Lin Ch’eng-tao, shows the trunk of an old plum tree with blossoms extending from one side to the other horizontally crouched in the upper part. The branch extends back and is adorned with several open, eye-catching blossoms for a striking composition done in strong and steady brushwork.
Description Traversing the Moon Cheng Wu-ch’ang (1894-1952) Republican Period Cheng Wu-ch’ang was a native of Sheng-hsien, Chekiang, who taught at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and Hsin-hua Academy of Art. In 1929, he formed the Mi-feng Painting Society. He excelled at calligraphy and was gifted at poetry and prose. He also painted landscapes, flowers, and ladies-all his specialties. In addition to carving seals, he left many writings on painting history and theory. This fan, painted in 1947, depicts the trunk of an old plum tree with pink blossoms, extending from one side to the other horizontally crouched in the upper part. The branch extends back and is adorned with several open, pink, eye-catching blossoms. This work was donated to the Museum by Messrs. Lin Tsung-I and Lin Ch’eng-tao.
收藏著錄 林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁133、193
抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄