民國吳石僊山水 軸



文物統一編號 贈畫000523N000000000
作品號 贈畫00052300000
品名 民國吳石僊山水 軸
分類 繪畫
作者 吳石僊,Wu Shixian
創作時間 清德宗光緒二十三年(1897)
數量 一軸
位置 尺寸(公分)
本幅 131.2x33.2
全幅 195.8x45.1
質地位置 質地
題跋類別 作者 位置 款識 書體 全文
作者款識 吳石僊 印記 expand_more 本幅 晚來江氣連城白。丁酉(一八九七年)春日。石僊。 行書
印主 印記
吳石僊 吳慶雲印
吳石僊 石僊
印記類別 印主 印記
收傳印記 林宗毅 定靜堂印
收傳印記 林宗毅 龍溪林氏
主題類別 主題(第一層) 主題(第二層) 主題說明
主要主題 山水
其他主題 人物 漁夫、船夫
其他主題 山水 江河、湖海 江河
其他主題 建築 房舍
其他主題 建築 城牆
其他主題 建築 臺閣
其他主題 帆船
其他主題 漁船
其他主題 樹木
技法 技法細目
類別 參考資料
內容簡介   吳慶雲(?-一九一六年),上元(今南京)人,流寓上海。字石仙,後以字行,號潑墨道人。丘壑幽奇,初不為人重,既赴日本歸,乃長煙雨法,墨暈淋漓,煙雲生動,峰巒林壑,陰陽向背,皆能渲染入微。   本幅畫江上煙雲繚繞之景、採米芾、高克恭濃墨重點,氣勢雄渾之法,遠處樓閣帆影,近處林木蓊鬱,充分表達出江上破曉清新的氣氛。   本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。
內容簡介   吳石僊(?-西元一九一六年),上元(今南京)人,流寓上海。字石僊,後以字行,號潑墨道人。山水氣勢雄厚,丘壑幽奇,初不為人重,既赴日本歸,乃長煙雨法,墨暈淋漓,煙雲生動。   隔江城郭在望,帆檣數片;近岸是關榷把守,一枝旗竿高高矗立。細長條畫幅,一河兩岸構景,河流呈「之」字斜行,用以增加造景之縱深。吳氏擅於用墨,墨色層次多且濕潤,對於雨景或水霧之表達,頗為適宜,為吳氏一貫作風。本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。
內容簡介   吳石僊(?-1916),名慶雲,以字行,號潑墨道人,上元(今南京)人,流寓上海。畫山水氣勢雄厚,丘壑幽奇,初不為人所重視,赴日歸後,長於表現煙雨景緻,墨暈淋漓,煙雲生動,峰巒林壑,陰陽向背,皆能渲染入微。   本幅畫江上煙雲繚繞景色,筆墨有米芾、高克恭濃墨重點,景物蒼茫。遠處樓閣帆影,近處林木蓊鬱,充分表達出江上破曉時分清新的氣氛。     林宗毅先生捐贈於民國75年。 (20120106)
Description Wu Shixian (named Qingyun, went by his style name, sobriquet Pomo daoren) was a native of Shangyuan (modern Nanjing) who resided in Shanghai. His landscape paintings are vigorous and solid with hills and valleys quite secluded. At first he did not come to the attention of others, but after returning from Japan, he excelled at rendering scenes of mists and rain. With ink haloes and dripping wet ink, his mists and clouds are animated with ridges and peaks as well as forests and valleys supporting each other, all arrived at with marvelous washes and texturing. This painting depicts a scene of roiling clouds and mists on a river. The manner of brushwork has the luxuriant ink and repeated dots from the style of Mi Fu and Gao Kekong, creating rich and hoary scenery. In the distance are buildings and sails with lush trees in the foreground, fully conveying the pure atmosphere of dawn over a river. Mr. Lin Tsung-yi donated this painting to the National Palace Museum in 1986. (20120106)
Description Wu Shih-hsien (sobriquet P’o-mo tao-jen) was a native of Shang-yuan (modern Nanking) who later settled in Shanghai. He was known for his heroic and powerful landscapes with rolling hills and silent scenery. Unappreciated early in his career, he traveled to Japan, after which his works became noted for their misty and moist style. Separated by river dotted with sails are buildings in the distance. The foreground is marked by a gate with a banner waving up high. This tall and narrow hanging scroll is composed of a river depicted between two banks. The river zig-zags in a diagonal manner, which creates the effect of distant scenery in the background. Wu Shih-hsien excelled in the use of ink, which has been added in layers here to give a moist, rich effect similar to that of a rainy or mist-laden landscape. This work is typical of Wu’s style, the use of ink being just as Wu described in his poetic inscription; “Rain clears over the river, leaving areas of open sky.” Wu graded his ink tones perfectly to give the impression of a landscape just after rain. This work was donated to the Museum by Mr. Lin Tsung-i.
Description Wu Ch’ing-yun (style name Shih-hsien; sobriquet P’o-mo tao-jen) was a native of Shang-yuan (modern Nanking) but spent most of his time in Shanghai. He later adopted his style name when he became famous. At the beginning of his career Wu was not respected so he went to Japan to study. He excelled at methods of depicting mist and rain, and the ink in his works is moist and fluid. His mist and clouds are lively, and his mountain peaks and forest ravines are done in chiaroscuro technique. With the addition of color, all of Wu’s images appear subtle. This scene of misty clouds hovering over a river adopts the dense ink and heavy wash force of Mi Fu (1051-1107) and Kao K’o-kung (1248-1310). The distant tower and boats on the water and the nearer lush growth of trees fully reveal an atmosphere of a new dawn. This painting was donated to the Museum by Mr. Lin Tsung-yi.
參考書目 1.劉芳如,〈清吳慶雲山水圖〉,收入劉芳如主編,《十九世紀末期中西畫風的感通之二--國立故宮博物院所藏同時期名家作品展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1993年初版),頁108。
收藏著錄 林宗毅先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁69、127
抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄