元明書翰第十冊 冊 祝允明書在山記

“In the Mountains” Record



文物統一編號 故書000292N000000001 more
故書000292N000000002 故書000292N000000003 故書000292N000000004 故書000292N000000005 故書000292N000000006
作品號 故書00029200001
品名 元明書翰第十冊 冊 祝允明書在山記
“In the Mountains” Record
分類 法書
作者 祝允明,Zhu Yunming
書體 行書
創作時間 明孝宗弘治八年(1495)
數量 十二幅
作品語文 漢文
釋文 在山記。號琴者曰在山。進善琴者希之爾。鍾子之謂伯牙氏曰。巍巍然若太山。時牙志果在高山也。夫本吾神明所趨。高而有山。山而后有指。指而后有絃。絃而后有音。音而后有耳。耳而后有吾之音與絃與指與神明焉。以有山於其間。將山從志乎。將志從山乎。將山與志皆必從於絃乎。將虛乎實乎。當其時必有宮角徵商羽半宮半徵之調。必有散引操曲之章。必有疏急脩促起止之度。左之於徽。右之於絲。固不以類吾之思。其諸有者。則將有之乎。將無之乎。有則此實矣。孰從而出是山。無則不知何爲必伺乎手鳴而後識也。期牙之談妙今古。吾妄(脫一字)其可疑者在此。雖然。吾札之論列國風。尼父之見文王。皆爾矣。理必有不可破者。吾其未臻故云爾。意者其說蘊諸周易乎。蓋曰形而上者謂之道。形而下者謂之器。其妙矣乎。吾未能以闚焉。張文瑞能琴。因問號。號以在山。所謂進牙而希之。且列是端。俾文瑞他日進焉。則舉其所得以解我。弘治乙卯(西元一四九五年)重九。鄕貢進士蘇臺祝允明。 
位置 尺寸(公分)
本幅 23.9x10.7
質地位置 質地
印記類別 印主 印記
收傳印記 項篤壽 子長
收傳印記 項篤壽 少谿主人 (重一)
收傳印記 止亭真賞
收傳印記 李氏珍藏
收傳印記 紫玉軒
收傳印記 新安臥雲廬藏
收傳印記 葉采私印
鑑藏寶璽 宣統帝 宣統御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 嘉慶御覽之寶
類別 參考資料
內容簡介 祝允明(西元一四六一-一五二六年),是明代中葉蘇州文士書家的典型,他生長於官宦家庭,與文藝界有密切關係,博學多聞,擅長多種文體,在書法上也顯現多重風貌,晚年縱逸的草書尤其受人讚賞。 這篇記文是為一位自號「在山」的琴師張文瑞,引經據典的闡述山川、琴音與心志間的關係。寫於三十五歲,是得到舉人身份的第三年。書風近似趙孟頫,在俊美的外表下,不掩其灑脫不羈的才氣。
內容簡介 祝允明(西元一四六一-一五二六年),是明代中葉蘇州文士書家的典型,博學多聞,擅長多種文體,在書法上也顯現多重風貌,晚年縱逸的草書尤其受人讚賞。 這篇記文是為一位自號「在山」的琴師張文瑞,引經據典的闡述山川、琴音與心志間的關係。寫於三十五歲,是得到舉人身份的第三年。書風近似趙孟頫,在俊美的外表下,不掩其灑脫不羈的才氣。本幅選自「元明書翰」。(20100102)
Description Zhu Yunming was a representative scholar-calligrapher in Suzhou from the middle Ming dynasty. Born into an official’s family, he closely associated with art and literary circles. A learned scholar, he excelled at various calligraphic scripts. He developed many styles, but the freedom of his late cursive script is especially admired. “In the Mountains” here actually refers to the self-styled sobriquet “Zaishan” of the lutanist Zhang Wenrui. It quotes the relationship between one’s spirit, lute music, and the landscape. Done at the Chinese age of 35, it was calligraphed by Zhu 3 years after earning his Provincial civil service degree. The style is similar to that of Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322), but the beauty still reveals the genius of this unbridled talent.(20100102)
Description Chu Yun-ming is representative of the scholar-calligrapher in the Soochow area during the middle Ming. Born into an official’s family, he became closely associated with the art world. A learned scholar, he also excelled at many script types in calligraphy. He had many styles, but the freedom of his late cursive script is especially admired. “In the Mountains” here actually refers to the style name of the lutanist Chang Wen-jui. It quotes on the relationship between one’s spirit, lute music, and the landscape. Written at the age of 34, it was done by Chu three years after becoming a chu-jen civil service candidate. The style is similar to that of Chao Meng-fu, but the handsome style still reveals the genius of this unbridled talent.
收藏著錄 石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2574-2576
收藏著錄 故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁281-283
收藏著錄 故宮歷代法書全集,第十七冊,頁104-111、120-122
參考書目 〈元明書翰第十冊 冊 祝允明書在山記〉,收入何炎泉主編《毫端萬象-祝允明書法特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2013.01),頁50-61、365-366。
抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄