文物統一編號 |
作品號 |
故畫00136500000 |
品名 |
明陳洪綬三星圖 軸
Gods of Happiness, Prosperity, and Longevity |
分類 |
繪畫 |
作者 |
陳洪綬,Chen Hongshou |
數量 |
一軸 |
印記類別 |
印主 |
印記 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
三希堂精鑑璽 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
太上皇帝之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
宜子孫 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
宣統帝 |
宣統御覽之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
珠林重定 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清內府印 |
秘殿珠林 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
秘殿新編 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
乾清宮鑑藏寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
乾隆御覽之寶 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清高宗 |
乾隆鑑賞 |
鑑藏寶璽 |
清仁宗 |
嘉慶御覽之寶 |
主題類別 |
主題(第一層) |
主題(第二層) |
主題說明 |
主要主題 |
佛道人物 |
神、仙 |
三星 |
次要主題 |
花草 |
梅(白.紅.蠟梅) |
次要主題 |
花草 |
靈芝 |
次要主題 |
器用 |
枴杖 |
技法 |
技法細目 |
人物衣紋描法(勻稱線條) |
人物衣紋描法(粗細線條) |
工筆 |
類別 |
參考資料 |
內容簡介 |
Description |
The Gods Happiness, Prosperity, and Longevity
Ch’en Hung-shou (1598-1652)
Ming Dynasty
Ch’en Hung-shou was a native of Chu-chi, Chekiang. Ch’en was an excellent painter of landscapes, but he is especially known for his figure painting. Together with his contemporary Ts’ui Tzu-chung (1600-1652), they are referred to as “Ch’en of the south and Ts’ui of the north.”
In this portrait of the symbolic gods Happiness, Prosperity and Longevity, two are shown with staffs, one holds a sprig of plum, and another grasps the ling-chih immortal fungus. Colors are applied with clarity and elegance. Lines are painted delicately but with a quality of tensile strength. The brushstrokes belong to the lineage of the “gossamer stroke”, derived from the painting of high antiquity. Ch’en Hung-shou belongs to the school of the transformed style. His figures are painted with exaggerated features, transforming their physical aspects. Proportions are not established according to the rules. Some of the figures are strangely painted, with twists and turns, imparting an element of humour to Ch’en’s art.
參考書目 |
收藏著錄 |
收藏著錄 |
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