宋元寶翰 冊 宋趙孟堅致嚴郎中太丞尺牘

Calligraphy Treasure of Song and Yuan Dynasties: Letter by Zhao Mengjian to Yan, a Director of Office



文物統一編號 故書000249N000000011
作品號 故書00024900010
品名 宋元寶翰 冊 宋趙孟堅致嚴郎中太丞尺牘
Calligraphy Treasure of Song and Yuan Dynasties: Letter by Zhao Mengjian to Yan, a Director of Office
分類 法書
作者 趙孟堅
書體 草書
數量 一幅
作品語文 漢文
釋文 孟堅前日荷下顧。又承惠臟腑藥。偶連日調利尚未服。儲留俟或對證則服之也。忩忩言歸。家釀二壺。持浼。幸留頓。仍今僕者面及。餘嗣謝次。孟堅簡上嚴郎中太丞。
位置 尺寸(公分)
本幅 25.5x33
質地位置 質地
印記類別 印主 印記
收傳印記 項元汴 友古軒
收傳印記 張篤行 張篤行印
類別 參考資料
內容簡介 趙孟堅(1199-1264,一作1199-1267)南宋畫家。字子固,號彝齋居士,海鹽(今屬浙江)人。晚年隱居秀州(今浙江嘉興)廣陳鎮。宋之宗室,系出安定郡王,太祖十一世孫。理宗寶慶二年(1266)進士,曾為湖州掾,入轉運司幕,知諸暨縣,嗣為御史所劾,罷歸;後曾在賈似道處作幕僚。能詩,善書法,工畫水墨梅、蘭、竹、石,取法揚無咎;尤精白描水仙,筆致細勁挺秀,趙孟頫曾評他:「所作墨花,於紛批側塞中而就條理,亦一難也。」為人修雅博識,人比之米芾。有時東西遊適,舟中僅留一禢憩息之地,餘皆所挾雅玩之物,意列吟弄,至忘寢食,岸人知為趙子固書畫船。嘗得姜白石所藏定武本契帖,立淺水中,對人說:「蘭亭在此,余不足問。」因題於卷首:「性命可輕,至寶是保。」傳世作品有《白描水仙圖》卷,現藏天津市藝術博物館;《墨蘭圖》卷,藏北京故宮博物院;《歲寒三友圖》冊頁,現藏台北故宮博物院。詩文有《彝齋文編》。
內容簡介 趙孟堅(西元1199-約1264年),字子固,號彝齋居士。浙江吳興人,宋之宗室,寶慶二年(1226)進士,景定初年為翰林學士承旨,入元不仕,修雅博識,善畫,工詩文,酷嗜法書,多收金石法帖,每泛舟漫遊,舟中備琴酒書畫,吟詩賞玩,世人喻為書畫舫。嘗得姜蘷舊藏定武蘭亭,過霅之弁山,風作舟覆,子固入水惟救此帖,謂性命可輕,至寶是保,此帖故名「落水蘭亭」。此牘行筆可見鍾繇法,為子固傳世書蹟中之精品。本幅選自「宋元寶翰」冊第十一幅。
Description Chao Meng-chien(style name Tzu-ku; sobriquet I-chai chu-shih) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. He was a scion of the Sung imperial family, and he received his chin-shih civil service degree in 1226. In the beginning of the Ching-ting era(1260-1264), he served as a Hanlin Academician. However, he did not serve the Mongols in the succeeding Yuan dynasty, indulging himself, rather, in his many studies. Chao Meng-chien was good at prose and poetry, excelling at painting and calligraphy. He collected many pieces of ancient calligraphy. Chao would often take his collection of painting and calligraphy on a boat, which his contemporaries called a "boat of painting and calligraphy" He took the Ting-wu version of Wang Hsi-chih's(307-365) famous Preface to the Lan-t'ing Pavilion on a cruise one day. When a sudden wind capsized the boat, his collection went into the water. Chao Meng-chien was only able to save this work, which became known as the "Water-drenched Lan-t'ing." Chao thus considered this work more important than his own life. This piece reveals the influence of Chung Yu's(151-230) style, and it is a masterpiece of Chao's calligraphy. This is the eleventh leaf from the album Sung Yuan pao-han.
Description Chao Meng-chien (style name Tzu-ku; sobriquet I-chai chu-shih) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. He was a scion of the Sung imperial family, and he received his chin-shih civil service degree in 1226. In the beginning of the Ching-ting era (1260-1264), he served as a Hanlin Academician. However, he did not serve the Mongols in the succeeding Yuan dynasty, indulging himself, rather, in his many studies. Chao Ming-chien was good at prose and poetry, excelling at painting and calligraphy. He collected many pieces of ancient calligraphy. Chao would often take his collection of painting and calligraphy on a boat, which his contemporaries called a "boat of painting and calligraphy." He took the Ting-wu version of Wang Hsi-chih's (307-365) famous Preface to the Lan-t'ing Pavilion on a cruise one day. When a sudden wind capsized the boat, his collection went into the water. Chao Ming-chien was only able to save this work, which became known as the "Water-drenched Lan-t'ing." Chao thus considered this work more important than his own life. This piece reveals the influence of Chung Yu's (151-230) style, and it is a masterpiece of Chao's calligraphy. This is the eleventh leaf from the album Sung Yuan pao-han.
收藏著錄 石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁710
收藏著錄 故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁221
參考書目 1.朱惠良,〈趙孟堅致嚴堅中太丞尺牘〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《宋代書畫冊頁名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年初版一刷),頁253。 2.朱惠良,〈「七十件書畫冊頁名品特展」精選(一) — 趙孟堅致嚴堅中太丞尺牘〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第146期(1995年5月),頁70。
抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄