宋燕文貴秋山琳宇圖 軸

Daoist Monastery in Autumn Mountains


文物統一編號 故畫000044N000000000
作品號 故畫00004400000
品名 宋燕文貴秋山琳宇圖 軸
Daoist Monastery in Autumn Mountains
分類 繪畫
作者 燕文貴
數量 一軸
位置 尺寸(公分)
本幅 165.5x58.4
質地位置 質地
題跋類別 作者 位置 款識 書體 全文
作者款識 燕文貴 本幅 臣燕文貴恭畫 楷書 臣燕文貴恭畫
題跋 郭畀 印記 expand_more 本幅 金城郭天錫題 楷書 梵王殿閣建何年。古樹嵯岈(當作杈枒)勢極天。愛向深崖觀落葉。喜從幽壑聽鳴泉。松聲滿耳頻高下。雲氣無心任去旋。一派秋光山色好。人生居此勝神僊。金城郭畀天錫題。
印主 印記
郭畀 快雪齋
郭畀 郭畀
郭畀 金城郭氏
印記類別 印主 印記
收傳印記 大明安楚昭勇將軍李氏珍玩
收傳印記 宋徽宗 宣和
收傳印記 宋徽宗 宣和之寶
收傳印記 壽春堂藏
收傳印記 藍田主人寶玩珍記
收傳印記 宋徽宗 雙龍璽
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 三希堂精鑑璽
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 石渠寶笈
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 宜子孫
鑑藏寶璽 宣統帝 宣統御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 嘉慶御覽之寶
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 嘉慶鑑賞
鑑藏寶璽 清仁宗 寶笈三編
主題類別 主題(第一層) 主題(第二層) 主題說明
主要主題 山水
其他主題 人物 高士(士人、隱士)
其他主題 山水 江河、湖海
其他主題 山水 秋景
其他主題 山水 溪澗、湍泉
其他主題 山水 瀑布
其他主題 建築 寺廟
其他主題 建築 房舍
其他主題 樹木
技法 技法細目
類別 參考資料
內容簡介 燕文貴(約西元十一世紀),浙江吳興人。少時曾流落京師(河南開封)為商販,後來才華被畫院待詔高益所賞識,得以進入畫院任祇候之職。山水、人物均佳,尤善於描繪四季景物,清雅可愛。畫院中人稱其畫為「燕家景」。本幅寫山峰林立,山谷中煙嵐留滯,似欲描寫山雨初收。澗壑奔流直瀉,小路迴曲,延向山中樓閣,景境幽靜清雅。雖款繫燕文貴,惟畫風較近似晚明。
內容簡介 本幅寫山峰林立,山谷中煙嵐留滯,似欲描寫山雨初收。澗壑奔流直瀉,小路迴曲,延向山中樓閣,景境幽靜清雅。本幅雖款繫燕文貴,惟畫風較近似晚明。燕文貴(約西元十一世紀),浙江吳興人。少時曾流落京師(河南開封)為商販,後來才華被畫院待詔高益所賞識,得以進入畫院任祇候之職。山水、人物均佳,尤善於描繪四季景物,清雅可愛。畫院中人稱其畫為「燕家景」。(20100710)
Description This work depicts many serried peaks with mists trailing the valleys between, like a scene shortly after rain. Torrents rush down the ravines as a path winds up to the buildings among the peaks, creating a serene and elegant setting. Though bearing a Yan Wengui signature, the style is actually closer to the late Ming (1368-1644). As a destitute youth, Yan Wengui (from Wuxing, Zhejiang) went to the capital (Kaifeng, Henan) to sell goods. His talent in art was recognized by the court painter Gao Yi, who recommended him. Yan thus served in the Painting Academy. A master of landscape and figures, Yan was gifted at scenes of the four seasons in a pure manner appreciated by many. In the Painting Academy, they were called “Yan Master Scenes.”(20100710)
Description Yen Wen-Kuei was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. When he was young, he went to the capital, K'aifeng, where he was a merchant. Later, he became a talented artist and received the favor of Kao I, a Painter-in-Attendance in the Painting Academy.Through Kao I, he entered the Painting Academy as an Attendant.He was a master of landscape and figure painting.He was particulary accomplished in painting landscapes of the four seasons. We may especially admire his delicate and charming style. In the Painting Academy, his paintings were called "Landscapes in Master Yen's style." This scroll depicts serried peaks; the autumn skies are beginning to clear but the mist has not yet dispersed, giving a clear impression of an autumnal atmospere. Through the mist a tumbling stream can be seen. A small path leads to a Taoist monastery in the mountains. Although this painting bears Yen Wen-kuei's signature, it is much closer in style to paintings of the Ming dynasty.
收藏著錄 石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第三冊,頁1385
收藏著錄 故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁45-46
收藏著錄 故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁181-182
參考書目 1.何傳馨,〈(原題宋燕文貴)秋山琳宇圖〉,收入李玉珉主編,《古色:十六至十八世紀藝術的仿古風》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2003年初版),頁241。 2.本社,〈宋燕文貴秋山琳宇〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第14期(1984年5月),封底裡。
抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄