基本資料 | 藏品類型 | 書法 |
文物統一編號 | 故書000235N000000003 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄 | |
作品號 | 故書00023500003 | |
品名 |
宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄致公謹尺牘 Letters |
分類 | 法書 | |
作者 | 蔡襄;Cai Xiang | |
書體 | 行書 | |
數量 | 一幅 | |
作品語文 | 漢文 | |
釋文 | 襄啟。暑熱。不及通謁。所苦想已平復。日夕風日酷煩。無處可避。人生韁鎖如此。可歎可歎。精茶數片。不一不一。襄上。公謹左右。牯犀作子一副。可直幾何。欲託一觀。賣者要百五十千。 |
典藏尺寸 | 【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 23x29.2 |
質地 | 【質地位置】 | 【質地】 |
本幅 | 紙 |
題跋資料 | 【題跋類別】 | 【作者】 | 【位置】 | 【款識】 | 【書體】 | 【全文】 |
題籤 | 裱紙 | 宋蔡君謨暑熱春初二帖。 |
印記資料 | 【印記類別】 | 【印記】 |
收傳印記 | 神品(重一) | |
收傳印記 | 陳定 | |
收傳印記 | 淨因菴 | |
收傳印記 | 珍秘(半印) | |
收傳印記 | 儀周鑑賞 | |
收傳印記 | 黃琳美之 | |
收傳印記 | 項墨林父祕笈之印 | |
收傳印記 | 寄傲 | |
收傳印記 | 子京父印(重一) | |
收傳印記 | 墨林祕玩 | |
收傳印記 | 六藝之圃 | |
收傳印記 | 子孫世昌(重一。一半印) | |
收傳印記 | 項元汴印(重一) | |
收傳印記 | 和叔 | |
收傳印記 | 檇李項氏士家寶玩 | |
收傳印記 | 琳印 | |
收傳印記 | 元汴 | |
收傳印記 | 項墨林鑑賞章 | |
收傳印記 | (二印不辨) |
參考資料 | 【類別】 | 【參考資料】 |
收藏著錄 | 石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1097 | |
收藏著錄 | 故宮書畫錄(第三卷),第一冊,頁141 | |
收藏著錄 | 故宮歷代法書全集,第十一冊,頁4-37、186-193 | |
參考書目 | 1.曹寶麟,〈蔡襄致公謹三帖考 之 暑熱帖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第129期(1993年12月),頁96-107。 2.〈致公謹尺牘(暑熱帖)〉,收入何傳馨、陳階晉、何炎泉編,《故宮法書新編 (八) 宋 蔡襄墨蹟》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),頁30-32。 | |
內容簡介(中文) | 蔡襄(西元一0一二-一0六七年),福建仙遊人,字君謨。天聖八年(一0三0)中進士,一生仕途順利,累官諫院,直史館。性忠正,工詩文,善書法。蔡襄書法初學周越,後出入顏真卿、虞世南、王獻之,行、楷書簡札典雅秀麗。此帖又稱〈暑熱帖〉或〈精茶帖〉。結體大小、重輕、疏密,皆隨興所至,瀟灑流利,線條頓挫轉折粗細變化較大,別開新意。選自《宋四家墨寶冊》第三開。(20091015) | |
內容簡介(英文) | Cai Xiang was a native of Xianyou, Fujian. A Presented Scholar (jinshi) of 1030, he smoothly served up to the Censorate and Historiography Institute. Loyal and upright by nature, he was gifted at poetry and prose while excelling at calligraphy. He first studied the style of Zhou Yue but later included those of Yan Zhenqing, Yu Shinan, and Wang Xianzhi. Cai’s letters in running and standard script are classical and beautiful. In this letter (also known as “Summer Heat” or “Refined Tea”), the character size and the heaviness and density all rise and fall with emotion, being casual and flowing. The rhythm of the lines and their turns varies in terms of thickness, creating an individual manner. This is the 3rd leaf from “Ink Treasures by the Four Song Masters.”(20091015) | |
內容簡介(中文) | 蔡襄(西元一0一二-一0六七年),福建仙遊人,字君謨。天聖八年(一0三0)中進士,一生仕途順利,累官諫院,直史館。性忠正,工詩文,善書法。蔡襄書法初學周越,後出入顏真卿、虞世南、王獻之,行、楷書簡札典雅秀麗。此帖又稱〈暑熱帖〉或〈精茶帖〉。結體大小、重輕、疏密,皆隨興所至,瀟灑流利,線條頓挫轉折粗細變化較大,別開新意。選自《宋四家墨寶冊》第三開。(20110913) | |
內容簡介(英文) | Cai Xiang (style name Junmo) was a native of Xianyou in Fujian. A Presented Scholar of 1030, his career in office went smoothly as he served up to posts in the Censorate and Historiography Institute. Loyal and upright by nature, he was gifted at poetry and prose while excelling at calligraphy. Cai first studied the style of Zhou Yue but later included the manners of Yan Zhenqing, Yu Shinan, and Wang Xianzhi. Cai’s letters in running and regular script are classical and beautiful. In this letter (also known as “Summer Heat” or “Refined Tea”), the character size and heaviness and density all rise and fall with his emotions, being casual and flowing. The rhythm of the lines and their turns vary in terms of thickness, creating an individual manner. This is the third leaf from “Ink Treasures by the Four Song Masters.”(20110913) |
書法 , 一幅 , 29.2x46.8公分
書法 , 一幅 , 29.8x50.8公分
書法 , 一幅 , 23x29.2公分
書法 , 一幅 , 29.8x50.8公分
書法 , 一幅 , 30.7x45.3公分
書法 , 一幅 , 28.7x66.1公分
書法 , 一幅 , 32.1x65.5公分
書法 , 一幅 , 31.7x51.2公分
書法 , 一幅 , 30.7x43.2公分