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1.陳韻如,〈五代南唐巨然蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 軸〉,收入林柏亭主編,《大觀-北宋書畫特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2006年初版一刷),頁44-49。
內容簡介(中文) |
巨然(西元十紀後半葉),南唐鍾陵人,開元寺的和尚。南唐被宋滅亡(西元九七五)巨然隨李後主降宋,而遷至汴梁。擅畫山水,畫法學自董源。 這幅畫描繪蕭翼賺蘭亭圖的故事。唐太宗酷愛王羲之、王獻之的書法,聽說辯才和尚藏有羲之蘭亭序真蹟,於是派遣御史蕭翼設法謀取。翼便以書生的打扮,先與辯才交遊,兩人常以詩文酬答,情感融洽,漸漸地,辯才對翼不加防備。有一天,趁辯才和尚外出,翼便偷走蘭亭真蹟。
內容簡介(英文) |
The monk Chu-jan, a native of Nanking, excelled at painting misty landscapes in ink. This scroll illustrates a famous incident in Chinese calligraphy. Wang Hsi-chih's masterpiece, The Orchid Pavilion Preface, had been lost for years. It was discovered by Emperor T'ai-tsung (r. 627-649), a devotee of Wang's style, to be in the possession of the old monk, Pien-ts'ai. Hsiao I, an imperial official ordered to retrieve the masterpiece, disguised himself and called upon the monk. Hsiao I intentionally showed him superb examples of calligraphy, tricking Pien-ts'ai into revealing the whereabouts of the Preface. Seizing the chance, Hsiao I stole the masterpiece and he took it back to the capital, where he presented it to the Emperor.
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內容簡介(英文) |
Tung Yuan and Chu-jan were major Kiangnan landscape artists. The latter, native to Chung-ling, was a monk at K’ai-yuan Temple. He followed the Southern T’ang ruler, Li Hou-chu, in surrendering to the Sung, moving to Pien-liang. The foreground here depicts gentle slopes by a river, the bridge in the middle connecting to a forested path. In the valley is a shaded courtyard with trees on clustered peaks in the distance. Peaks and foothills mostly reveal alum lumps, the land having a moist, luminescent quality similar to records of Chu-jan’s style; this a Sung (960-1279) work in his manner. Some scholars believe the monks here illustrate the story of Emperor T’ai-tsung sending Hsiao I to steal the Lan-t’ing masterpiece of calligraphy by Wang Hsi-chih.
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Juran, a native of Zhongling in the Southern Tang, was active in the latter half of the tenth century and accompanied the ruler Li Houzhu in going north to the Song capital of Bianjing, becoming a famous painter at the time. This painting has the collection seal of Emperor Shundi (Toghan-Temur) of the Yuan, ''Treasure of the Xuanwen Pavilion,'' making it one of the works by which Juran's style was known in the Yuan dynasty.
The work depicts a group of high and low peaks surrounding a mountain valley, which in the Ming dynasty was considered to illustrate the Tang dynasty story of Xiao Yi getting the ''Orchid Pavilion Preface'' original by means of deception. The branches of the trees here are mostly done as unadorned lines with dots added to either side. Both the high and low peaks supporting each other and the watery expanse by the riverbank appear with arcing rocks of various sizes. This important motif in the Jiangnan style, which was continued by such later Yuan artists as Huang Gongwang, became an important paradigm from antiquity.(20110609)
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內容簡介(中文) |
此作自明末以來即傳為南唐入宋畫僧巨然之作。後世一般以巨然師法董源,但據早期文獻,巨然在開封宮廷時曾為翰林學士院作山水屏風,卻是使用華北的李成風格。 直立而簡樸的山間群木、深濃墨點的樹叢植被、峰頂與河畔出現的大小卵石,都顯示著巨然風格的特徵。畫中略帶折角的峰頂樣式,尤與董源之圓渾緩丘不同,其古意則符合北宋早期文獻所記。或因畫中建築院落中確有僧人活動其間,故其主題想來被指為蕭翼賺蘭亭故實,但是否正確,仍待進一步考察。(20061206)
內容簡介(英文) |
Since the late Ming dynasty, this work has been attributed to the monk-painter Chu-jan, who followed the submission of the Southern T'ang to the Sung. Later generations generally considered Chu-jan as a follower of the style of Tung Yuan. However, according to early records, Chu-jan at the court in K'ai-feng did landscape screen paintings at the Hanlin Institute of Academicians in the northern style of Li Ch'eng rather than the southern one associated with Tung Yuan. Groves of trees among plain and vertical peaks, dark ink dots defining trees and vegetation, and rounded rock forms in various sizes define the landscape of peaks and a riverbank, being all typical features associated with the Chu-jan style. The slight angularity to the peak tops, however, differs in particular with the gentle rolling hill forms of Tung Yuan. Nonetheless, the archaic effect here conforms to records in early Northern Sung texts. Perhaps because of the monk activities in the courtyard, it probably reminded someone of the story of Hsiao I traveling to the temple of the monk Pien-ts’ai to steal the precious Lan-t'ing (Orchid Pavilion) calligraphy for the T'ang emperor T'ai-tsung. However, this is uncertain and requires further study.(20061206)