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A blanket of snow covers the scene with a temple behind a slope at the middle right. Majestic mountains rise in the background. Three figures braving the cold and snow appears on a path towards the temple, with the two behind having just crossed a small bridge over a stream. The sky and water were washed in ink to leave the blank areas as snow, creating a dark and wintry scene punctuated by the craggy trees and sparse mountains. This work bears no seal or signature of the artist, but Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (the famed connoisseur-artist of the Ming) inscribed it as by the 10th-century artist Ch'an. Modern scholarship, however, suggests it was either painted by Feng Kuan, a follower of Li Ch'eng under Emperor Hui-tsung, or by a Y'an (1279-1368) artist.
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
A blanket of snow covers the scene with a temple behind a slope at the middle right. Majestic mountains rise in the background. Three figures braving the cold and snow appear on a path towards the temple, with the two behind having just crossed a small bridge over a stream. The sky and water were washed in ink to leave the blank areas as snow, creating a dark and wintry scene punctuated by the craggy trees and sparse mountains. This work bears no seal or signature of the artist, but Tung Ch’i-ch'ang (the famed connoisseur-artist of the Ming) inscribed it as by the 10th-century artist Chu-jan. Modern scholarship, however, suggests it was either painted by Feng Kuan, a follower of Li Ch'eng under Emperor Hui-tsung, or by a Yuan (1279-1368) artist.
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本幅據詩塘董其昌(1555?1636)的鑑定款題,定為五代巨然所作。巨然,南唐五代畫家,南唐亡為開元寺僧,工畫山水,以披麻皴描繪江南景物,畫風平淡天真。 本幅構圖大致可分為三景,主山雙峰屏立,雄巖峻險,表現出奇峰積雪靄靄幽深的北地景緻,儼然具有北宋氣度,而兩側鋸齒狀的岩塊,看似突兀奇倨,但卻有增強畫作張力的視覺效果。中景樓閣隱現山石間,客旅行於山徑上,近景則畫河岸兩側,枯枝樹石。山石皴法及造型似從披麻、捲雲皴而來,林木方面,松針尖挺,枯枝似郭熙蟹爪,但運筆佈墨極具畫家個人的特質。筆法與巨然平淡天真的江南風格有別,可能是宋人宗法李成風格之作。
網頁展示說明 |
A blanket of snow covers the scene with a temple behind a slope at the middle right. Majestic mountains rise in the background. Three figures braving the cold and snow appear on a path towards the temple, with the two behind having just crossed a small bridge over a stream. The sky and water were washed in ink to leave the blank areas as snow, creating a dark and wintry scene punctuated by the craggy trees and sparse mountains. This work bears no seal or signature of the artist, but Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (the famed connoisseur-artist of the Ming) inscribed it as by the 10th-century artist Chu-jan. Modern scholarship, however, suggests it was either painted by Feng Kuan, a follower of Li Ch'eng under Emperor Hui-tsung, or by a Yuan (1279-1368) artist.
參考書目 |
〈五代南唐巨然雪圖 軸〉,收入李玉珉、何炎泉、邱士華主編《妙合神離-董其昌書畫特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2016.01),頁262-263、397。
參考書目 |
林麗江,〈五代南唐巨然雪圖 軸〉,收入林麗江、何炎泉主編《寫盡繁華-晚明文化人王世貞與他的志業》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2022.10),頁98-99。