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【參考資料】 |
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參考書目 |
2.劉芳如,〈「天子之寶 — 台北國立故宮博物院的收藏」展品系列(四) — 繪畫〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第247期(2003年10月),頁31。
內容簡介(中文) |
顧安(活動於西元一三四五至一三七三年),淮東(淮安、揚州一帶)人,字定之,工書法,書學趙孟頫,畫竹用筆遒勁。倪瓚(西元一三O一至一三七四年),江蘇無錫人,字元鎮,號雲林、迂翁。家富饒,築清閟閣,蓄古書畫。善山水,為元四大家之一。 本作原為顧安、張紳二人,應隱者玄通之請,合作古木修竹一幀,畫上並有楊維禎和張紳的題詠。洪武六年(一三七三)倪瓚見此畫,始補石,兼題五言古詩一首。此畫用筆高簡,意趣天成,書畫輝映,誠為佳作。
內容簡介(英文) |
Ku An was a native of Huai-tung, the area near Huai-an and Yangchow. His style name was Ting-chih. He was an excellent calligrapher and studied the style of Chao Meng-fu. He painted bamboo with forceful brushstrokes. Ni Tsan was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu province. His style name was Yuan-chen and his sobriquet Yun-lin. Ni Tsan's family was quite wealthy, which enabled him to collect ancient paintings and calligraphy. He was also known for his exacting cleanliness, which is reflected in his landscape style. He is considered one of the Four Masters of the Yuan dynasty. This painting was originally done by Ku An and Chang Shen at the request of the recluse Hsuan-t'ung. They painted the old tree and the long bamboo and Yang Wei-chen and Chang Shen inscribed the work before the sixth lunar month in 1370. In 1373, Ni Tsan saw this painting and later added the rock and inscribed his poem as well. The brushwork is simple, yet excellent, and the quality of the painting and calligraphy complement each other. This is truly a masterpiece.
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Gu An (style name Dingzhi), a native of Huaidong, excelled at calligraphy and studied the style of Zhao Mengfu, painting bamboo with forceful brushstrokes. Ni Zan (sobriquet Yunlin), a native of Wuxi, Kiangsu, excelled at landscape painting, being known as one of the “Four Yuan Masters.” This work was originally done by Gu An and Zhang Shen at the request of the recluse Xuantong. They painted the old tree and slender bamboo, with Yang Weizhen and Zhang Shen inscribing poems of praise. In 1373, Ni Zan saw it and later added the rock and inscribed a five-character archaic verse as well. The brushwork is lofty and simple, yet untrammeled and divine, as both painting and calligraphy complement each other to make this truly a masterpiece.