參考資料 |
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【參考資料】 |
收藏著錄 |
收藏著錄 |
收藏著錄 |
參考書目 |
3.馬孟晶,〈行走於蒙元的藝廊裡 — 「大汗的世紀」特展 元倪瓚江亭山色圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第226期(2002年1月),頁49。
4.童文娥,〈「天子之寶 — 台北國立故宮博物院的收藏」展品系列(四) — 繪畫〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第247期(2003年10月),頁30。
內容簡介(中文) |
倪瓚(西元一三0一—一三七四年),江蘇無鍚人。字元鎮,號雲林,迂翁。家富饒,築清閟閣,蓄古書畫。善山水,為元四大家之一。 秋林蕭瑟,坡岸縱橫,構景若星羅棋布,用筆用墨,渾然天成,但覺作畫之時,點擦皴染,筆筆若不相涉,而既成之後,則呼應靈動,關合甚嚴,所謂信手拈來,都成妙諦也,是雲林老年精品。七十二歲畫。
內容簡介(英文) |
Ni Tsan, style name Yuan-chen, sobriquets Yun-lin and Yu-weng, was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu province. From an affluent family, Ni Tsan built the Ch'ing-pi Pavilion and collected ancient painting and calligraphy. He excelled in landscape painting, and is one of the Four Great Masters of the Yuan dynasty. Several layers of banks stretch horizontally across a river scene cast with autumn austerity. Scattered like chess pieces, the remaining elements fill the composition. The brushwork is poised yet unmannered. Each stroke seems unrelated to the other in the textures of the washes and dots, but the painting as a whole comes to life and is held together by this very texturing. With several effortless movements, Ni Tsan has captured the ineffable. A late work, this painting was completed when the artist was 72 years of age.
內容簡介(中文) |
倪瓚,字元鎮,號雲林,自署懶瓚。江蘇無錫人。倪瓚自幼喪父,由其兄昭奎教養長大,家境富饒,曾在家中築清閟閣,庋藏古玩字畫。中年以後家道中落,一心好道,加深了避世思想,以至晚年散盡家產,漫遊於湖泖山水之間,過著隱逸生活。此幅畫疏林小亭,隔岸山色,雖為一河兩岸之構圖,然主山已移至一邊,以陂岸、水痕帶出遼闊水域,富變化之趣,是雲林七十二歲所畫。其畫著意無多,畫境清虛空曠,空無一人,數株雜樹羅列於前,點出蕭瑟秋景,坡石以折帶皴,用筆多中鋒側轉,皴多染少,更覺清逸渾厚,是老年精品。本幅鈐有「真賞」、「琴書堂」、「都尉耿信公書畫之章」等印,為清代有名收藏家耿昭忠 (1640-1687)之印。現在流傳的宋、元名蹟上,常有耿氏藏印。(童文娥)
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Ni Zan (original name Ting, style name Yuanzhen, sobriquets Yunlin and Yuweng) was a native of Wuxi in Jiangsu. From a well-to-do family, Ni Zan built the Qingbi Pavilion, containing his collection of rare books, ancient bronzes, paintings, calligraphy, and curios. He was good at poetry and excelled at painting and calligraphy, becoming known as one of the Four Yuan Masters.
Several layers of banks stretch horizontally across a river scene cast with desolate autumn trees. Scattered like chess pieces, the remaining elements fill the composition. The brushwork is poised yet unmannered. Each stroke seems unrelated to the other in the textures of washes and dots, but the painting as a whole comes to life and is held together by them. With several effortless movements, Ni Zan has captured the ineffable. A late masterpiece by Ni dated to the equivalent of 1372, it was done at the age of 72 by Chinese reckoning.
參考書目 |
劉芳如,〈元倪瓚江亭山色 軸〉,收入《國寶的形成-書畫菁華特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2017.10),頁224-229、321-322。