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研究性論著 |
參考書目 |
2.童文娥,〈帝國的回憶 國立故宮博物院瑰寶赴法展專輯二 — 倪瓚江岸望山〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第186期(1998年9月),頁34-35。
3.陳葆真,〈從陸治的《溪山仙館》看吳派畫家摹仿倪瓚的模式 〉,《國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊》,第1期(1994),頁205-297。
內容簡介(中文) |
倪瓚(西元一三0一至一三七四年),字元鎮,號雲林、迂翁,江蘇吳鍚人,家富饒,築清閟閣,蓄古書畫,善山水,為元四大家之一。 此畫倪瓚六十三歲(西元一三六三年)作。山上長皴,未成折帶;遠樹橫點,神似大痴。蓋雲林本學董源,而又幼於黃公望三十三歲,故不能無影響也。此畫本為贈行而作,受畫者由水路往會稽,故所畫係舟中望兩岸之景,受畫者為誰,已不可知。上款惟允二字,係畫商妄改,藉增此畫身價。
內容簡介(英文) |
Ni Tsan, style name Yuan Chen, sobriquet Yun-lin, was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. He came from a wealthy family and built the Ch'ing-pi-ko to house his collection of classical paintings and calligraphy. He is considered one of the Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty. This painting was completed in 1363 when Ni Tsan was sixty-two years old. The mountains are rendered in long, continuous hemp fiber strokes, rather than the abbreviated lines of his later works. The small trees in the middle-ground are textured with horizontal dabs in the manner of Huang Kung-wang. Ni first studied the works of Tung Yuan and was thirty-three years younger than Huang Kung-wang. Therefore, the stylistic influence of these two Masters on the work of Ni Tsan was ineveitable. Whether this work was actually executed for Ni's friend Wei-yun (Ch'en Ju-yen) as the inscription states is open to question. Two characters in the inscription have been erased and the words "Wei-Yun" were witten in their place.
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Ni Zan (style name Yuanzhen; sobriquets Yunlin and Yuweng) was a native of Wuxi in Jiangsu. From a wealthy family, he had the Qingbi Pavilion built to house his collection of ancient painting and calligraphy. He excelled at painting landscapes, becoming known as one of the Four Yuan Masters.
This painting was done by Ni Zan at the Chinese age of 63. The use of brush and ink is elegantly untrammeled and simply plain, the long texture strokes of the mountains not angular. The horizontal dots for the distant trees appear much like that of Huang Gongwang’s. In fact, Ni Zan studied the style of their common ancestor in painting, Dong Yuan, and he was 33 years younger than Huang, thus accounting for the influence. This painting was done as a gift, and it’s recipient took a water route to Guiji, hence the rendering of a boating scene between two banks. The identification of the recipient, however, is now unknown. The two characters for “Weiyun” (the renowned Chen Ruyan) in the inscription appear to have been added by a seller of the painting sometime in the past, perhaps to increase its value.