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4.童文娥,〈行走於蒙元的藝廊裡 — 「大汗的世紀」特展 元方從義高高亭圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第226期(2002年1月),頁52。
內容簡介(中文) |
方從義曾在一三四三年到北方遊歷,不只結交許多高官文士,在其間獲得名聲,更飽覽各地名山勝景,使他胸襟開闊,落筆不凡。同時代人對其畫技,皆以瀟散非世人所能及,明代畫評家王世貞論其畫與高克恭、倪瓚等人同列為「品之逸者也」 。如此幅鉤雲點苔,隨意不羈,風格簡逸,而山川精氣更在水墨精微中見出,體現元代道士藉山水追求清靜自然,心靈解脫之哲學,用筆草草,意境無窮。方從義亦以隸書和草書聞名,本幅以隸書題高高亭圖四字,筆意縱逸高古,款識則以草書為之。以濕筆點刷山峰、樹木,全不見皴痕,白雲迴繞,更添山勢之高聳。以筆墨濃淡製造出山壁、高山的質感與量感,而濃淡的變化,更顯水墨淋漓,為醉後之筆而渾然天成。 據畫上題識:「李君子高。昔於南谷丈人坐上會之。……」在元朝號南谷的有杜道堅 (一二三七-一三一八年),號南谷子,是杭州宗陽宮住持,為元朝最名有的道士之一。杜道堅與方從義之年歲相差甚多,可能方從義十多歲便學道,曾拜謁當時知名的杜道堅,而與李子高有一面之緣。(童文娥)
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Fang was a Taoist of the True One Sect at the Upper Purity Abbey on Dragon Tiger Mountain in the late Yuan. His early Taoist pursuits allowed him to experience the wonders of Nature in his travels. Through his studies, he made important friends in the north, such as the Mongol Taoist Chang yen-fu and the Central Asian scholar Yu Ch'ueh. Most of his works are landscapes and many of them were made for Taoist friends. This work was presented to Li Tzu-kao 李子高, whom Fang met because of Taoism. The title (Kao-kao t'ing 高高亭) in fact may relate to Li's name (kao meaning "high, lofty"), which would make it one of the earliest done on the basis of the recipient's name. Fang had many painting styles, seemingly different with every work. The wet ink here was applied quickly in a drunken state, thereby expressing the naturalness appreciated in Taoism.
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Fang Congyi (style name Wuyou; sobriquets Fanghu, Shangqing yuren, Guigu shanren, Jinmen yuke) was a Taoist at the Upper Purity (Shangqing) Abbey on Dragon Tiger (Longhu) Mountain in the late Yuan dynasty. He experienced the wonders of Nature in his travels through famous sites, hence being able to excel at the painting of landscapes. His brush method was succinct and unbridled in a style of his own.
Most of the works by Fang Congyi are landscapes made for Taoist friends, and this painting was presented to Li Zigao 李子高, whom Fang had met due to their common ties in Taoism. In fact, the title of this painting (in Chinese, “Gaogao ting 高高亭”) might be a play on the last character in Li’s name (“gao,” meaning “high” or “lofty”). If so, this would make it one of the earliest paintings done on the basis of the recipient’s name. Fang had many painting styles that seem to differ with every work. The wet ink here was applied very quickly, as if in a drunken state, thus particularly expressing the natural state sought in Taoism.