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內容簡介(中文) |
王淵(活動於西元一二九九─一三六六年間),浙江錢塘(今杭州)人。字若水,號澹軒。幼習丹青,曾得趙孟頫指授。其花鳥師黃筌,山水師郭熙,人物師唐人,皆極精妙。 本幅成於大德三年(西元一二九九年)。繪松峙岸邊,亭安水上,其中一主一客,另五舟泛於江面。用筆老辣而含蓄,筆筆札實,無一猶豫之處,似可直接宋人。
內容簡介(英文) |
Wang Yuan (style name Jo-shui, sobriquet Tan-hsuan) was a native of Hangchow, Chekiang. He began painting at an early age and for a time was taught by Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322). He followed the style of Huang Ch'uan for birds-and-flowers, that of Kuo Hsi for landscapes, and that of the T'ang masters for figures. Two figures, a host and a guest, are visible in a pavilion standing below two towering pines by the water's edge. A boat is moored at the bank as four others ply the water at different distances. The conservative brushwork is well practiced without any sign of hesitation. It is as though Wang Yuan inherited his style directly from Sung masters and adapted it to contemporary taste.
參考書目 |
劉芳如,〈元王淵松亭會友圖 軸〉,收入《國寶的形成-書畫菁華特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2017.10),頁210-213、320。
參考書目 |
國立故宮博物院編輯委員會,〈元王淵松亭會友圖 軸〉,收入《故宮書畫菁華特輯》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1996.10),頁180-181。