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趙雍承父風,工筆設色中略帶有文人趣味。其人馬圖,以至正十二年(1352)「駿馬圖」最佳,此幅「春郊遊騎」無紀年,構圖與繪於至正七年(1347)的「挾彈遊騎圖」 十分相似,皆畫一位穿著唐朝官服的貴族騎馬來到樹下,持弓上望。這種樹下人馬圖是唐代所流行之構圖,畫法亦承唐人青綠,色彩穠麗。此幅人物生動自然,馬匹肥碩雄壯,都以中峰鉤畫,線條謹密流暢,背景極為簡單,僅是兩株相抱的樹木,樹石亦用近似圖案的形式描繪,有高古簡逸的意趣。(童文娥)
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內容簡介(中文) |
趙雍(西元1290年生,卒年不詳),字仲穆,浙江吳興人。孟頫子,以書畫知名,畫尤以人物、鞍馬為所長。 本幅畫樹下遊騎一人,手中拿著弓,正轉頭回顧。人物形態生動自然,馬匹肥大雄壯,都以中鋒鈎畫,線條謹密流暢。背景極為簡單,僅是兩株相抱的樹木,樹葉以近似圖案的形式描繪,有古拙之意。作者似乎在追求著高古簡逸的趣味。
內容簡介(英文) |
Chao Yung (style name Chung-mu) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. The son of Chan Meng-fu (1254-1322), he also achieved fame in painting and calligraphy. He was especially known for his representations of figures and saddled horses. In this painting, Chao Yung has depicted a man on horseback under a tree. The form of the figure is represented with vitality and naturalness; the horse is sleek and muscular. Both are drawn with fine lines created with a centered brush. The surrounding scenery is extremely simple, consisting merely of a horizon line and a pair of intertwined trees. The foliage, which fills the upper half of the painting, is drawn with an archaic awkwardness, as though the artist were consciously seeking to create an echo of antiquity imbued with a sense of simplicity and naïveté.
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Zhao Yong (style name Zhongmu) was a native of Huzhou (modern Wuxing, Zhejiang). Son of the famous artists Zhao Mengfu and Guan Daosheng, he followed the family tradition of painting and calligraphy, achieving fame as well. He especially excelled at figures and saddled horses.
The composition of a horse and figure below a tree was popular in Tang dynasty painting. In this work the rider turns his head back holding a bow. He is shown in the shade of two crisscrossing old trees, a centered brush used to delineate the stout horse. Though following in the luxuriantly beautiful colors of Tang painting, it also shows with fine brushwork the lofty archaism and refinement of literati taste.
This undated work is similar in composition to “Riding Horse for Hunting” of 1347.(20110405)
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參考書目 |
陳韻如,〈元趙雍春郊遊騎圖 軸〉,收入《公主的雅集-蒙元皇室與書畫鑑藏文化特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2016.10),頁164-165、286-287。