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內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Chang Hung, a native of Soochow, excelled at landscape painting. Using short brushstrokes and moist ink washes to depict hills and forests, his innovative compositions were unique at the time.
Chang Hung often used actual sites for his landscape paintings, as seen here. Mt. Ch’i-hsia is located near Nanking and is famous for its temples and the Thousand Buddhas Caves. This work, dated 1634, records near and distant scenery viewed from an opposite peak by Chang and company on a rainy day. Shown here are luxuriant and dense trees filled with mists and clouds. Figures are walking in the foreground past a small temple on a path that leads up into the mountains, creating a lively and intimate scene for the large surface of this painting.
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Chang Hung was a native of Kiangsu. His style name was Chun-tu; his sobriquet was Ho-chien. An able landscape painter, Chang Hung’s brushwork was antique and unstudied; his use of ink is rich and moist.
The scenery of this landscape is seen from a lofty vantage point, as if the viewer is standing on a mountain and looking down at Buddhist temples, shrines, pavilions, and pagodas spread out at one’s feet. The mountain paths ascend the mountain with torturous twists and turns, effectively weaving together the pictorial structure of the painting. The artist’s brush is lush and strong. This detailed painting depicts the actual locale of the Mount. Ch’i-hsia, located in modern-day Chiang-ning county, Kiangsu province.
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張宏(1577-1668後),吳郡(江蘇蘇州)人。他擅長畫山水,用短促的筆法和濕潤的墨色畫山石樹木,獨具特色,構圖也常有新意。 他常以實景山水入畫,本幅即是一例。棲霞山在南京近郊,以寺院和千佛洞聞名。題跋標明作於一六三四年,是與友人冒雨登山眺望所見。畫中雲霧氤氳,林木繁茂,掩映著小徑、寺院、與密集的小佛龕,在龐大畫面上營構出生意盎然的世界。(20100408)
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Zhang Hong, a native of Suzhou, excelled at landscape painting. Using short brushstrokes and moist ink washes to depict hills and forests, his innovative compositions were unique at the time.
Zhang Hong often used actual sites for his landscape paintings, as seen here. Mt. Qixia is located near Nanjing and is famous for its temple and the Thousand-Buddha Caves. This work, dated 1634, records near and distant scenery viewed from an opposite peak by Zhang and company on a rainy day. Shown here are luxuriant and dense trees filled with mists and clouds. Figures are walking in the foreground past a small temple on a path that leads up into the mountains, creating a lively and intimate scene for the large surface of this painting.(20100408)
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參考書目 |
參考書目 |
何傳馨,〈明張宏棲霞山圖 軸〉,收入《十全乾隆─清高宗的藝術品味》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2013.10),頁304-305。