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參考書目 |
1.王耀庭、陳韻如,〈清郎世寧畫花底仙尨〉,收入王耀庭主編,《新視界 : 郎世寧與清宮西洋風》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版),頁52-53。
3.林莉娜,〈清 郎世寧 畫花底仙尨圖〉,收入馮明珠主編,《雍正—清世宗文物大展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2009年九月初版一刷),頁323。
內容簡介(中文) |
郎世寧(西元一六八八-一七六六年),意大利人。十九歲時,入天主教耶穌會為修士。曾習油畫,兼習建築。二十七歲來華傳教,以繪事供奉內廷。歷仕康熙雍正、乾隆三朝。畫法參酌中西,善畫人物花鳥,尤擅犬馬。 此幀畫碧桃湖石,一隻褐色馴犬徘徊其間。全作使用西洋顏料,設色穠艷。繪製以西法為主,注重光影透視之表現,犬足立處尚繪陰影,景物細緻逼真。
內容簡介(英文) |
Lang Shih-ning is the Chinese name of the Italian Giuseppe Castiglione. At 19, he entered the Jesuit order and studied oil painting and architecture. At 27, he arrived in China as a missionary and later served the court as a painter. He combined Chinese and Western techniques, excelling at figures and birds-and flowers, especially dogs and horses. This painting represents a little brown dog between a flowering peach tree and a fantastic garden rock. The coloring scheme is Western, creating an opulent effect. Done mostly with Western techniques, chiaroscuro and perspective are emphasized. The shadows cast by the paws reveal the degree of realism.
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Next to a decorative garden lake rock is a peach tree shown in full bloom, below which is a small dog that is date-red in color with a white chest and forelegs. With its tail curved up and head turned back, it seems to have stopped in the midst of running to look at something it has heard or has caught its attention. The appearance of the dog is indeed quite endearing. Variations of shadows on the rock and tree trunk emphasize the uneven texture of their surfaces, and the reflection in the eyes of the dog and luster of its fur also closely reflect the special effects of light found in Western art. Although this work is undated, a record from 1727 in the Yung-cheng reign (1723-1735) indicates that Giuseppe Castiglione painted a small dog with a Manchurian name translated as “Date Red.” Perhaps this is the painting found in that record.
網頁展示說明 |
郎世寧(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688-1766),意大利米蘭人。十九歲時,入天主教耶穌會為修士。曾習油畫,兼習建築。康熙五十四年(1715)來華傳教,抵澳門後,先學習中國語言和生活習慣,並且取了中國名字──郎世寧。因為他卓越的繪畫技法,供奉內廷,歷仕康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝。他善畫人物、花鳥,更長於畫犬馬。
網頁展示說明 |
Lang Shih-ning was the Chinese name of the Italian Giuseppe Castiglione, a native of Milan. At the age of 19, he entered the Jesuit order as a novitiate and studied oil painting and architecture. In 1715, he arrived in China as a missionary. After landing in Macao, he studied Chinese and learned about Chinese customs and culture, taking a Chinese name in the process. Due to his skills in painting, he came to serve the inner court under the emperors K'ang-hsi (r. 1662-1722), Yung-cheng (r. 1723-1735), and Ch'ien-lung (r. 1736-1795). Giuseppe Castiglione excelled at painting figures and birds-and-flowers, especially dogs and horses.
Since Castiglione had studied Western painting before coming to China, his early works were done with Western techniques. After entering service in the inner court, however, he set upon the study of Chinese painting and gradually formed a new style that synthesized aspects of both Western and Chinese painting. This painting represents a little brown dog between a flowering peach tree and an ornamental garden rock. The coloring scheme is Western overall and has an opulent effect. Done mostly with Western techniques, chiaroscuro (shading to represent the effect of light) and perspective are emphasized. Shadows, for example, appear cast by the tree trunk and the paws of the dog. So realistic, in fact, are the tree, rock, and dog that they appear as if painted after actual subjects. In the lower left corner is Castiglione's signature in Chinese done with Sung-style script. These are all features consistent with his early paintings, so it appears that this is an early work done not long after his arrival in China.
參考書目 |
陳韻如,〈清郎世寧畫花底仙尨 軸〉,收入何傳馨主編《神筆丹青-郎世寧來華三百年特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2015.10),頁30-33、406。
參考書目 |
馮明珠,〈清郎世寧畫花底仙尨 軸〉,收入《雍正-清世宗文物大展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2009.09),頁322-323。