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參考書目 |
2.張華芝,〈「天子之寶 — 台北國立故宮博物院的收藏」展品系列(四) — 繪畫〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第247期(2003年10月),頁36。
內容簡介(中文) |
周臣(約1450-1535後),明代畫家,字舜卿,別號東村,今江蘇蘇州人。能詩,擅畫山水,得宋人法。兼工人物,古貌奇姿,無論工筆或寫意,均能各具意態。 春秋(770 B.C-476B.C)時衞人甯戚,因家貧為人拉車,來到齊國,夜宿城外。時齊桓公郊外迎客,甯戚餵牛於車下,望見桓公而悲,擊牛角疾歌。桓公認為此人非平常之人,召見後舉為丞相。幅中所繪就是手持樹枝的甯戚正在飼牛之景,牛軛置靠在山岩邊,暗示牛車在石背後。通幅畫家用筆勁利,表現樹石質感的皴紋、垂掛的藤蔓,皆為飛動的筆墨線條,帶有十五世紀浙派的風致。幅中牛身先略加絲畫牛毛,再局部淡墨暈染,和宋人牛畫相較,已是文人寫意的形貌了。(張華芝)
內容簡介(中文) |
周臣(約西元1450-1535年後),字舜卿,別號東村。吳郡(江蘇蘇州)人。畫山水師陳暹,得宋人法。兼工人物,古貌奇姿、綿密蕭散,各極意態。 本幅畫春秋時衛人寧戚,藉驅趕牛車,與齊國桓公相遇,因而獲聘為丞相的故事。幅中樹石,皴筆飛動,幾近浙派風致。在唐寅、仇英,甚至較早的杜菫作品中,亦不乏類此的潑辣線條,據此,可略見當時不同畫派間交互影響的情形。
內容簡介(英文) |
Chou Ch'en, a native of Soochow, studied landscape painting from Ch'en Hsien, achieving the Sung methods. He also excelled at figures with an archaic yet unusual style that is detailed yet free. This work shows Ning Ch'i (fl. 7th c. BC), a native of Wei, stopping to feed the ox pulling his cart in the state of Ch'i. Duke Huan of Ch'i saw him and realized Ning's worth, making him a Counselor-in-chief at Ch'i. The dynamic texture strokes of the trees and rocks are similar to those of the Che School style. In the works of T'ang Yin and Ch'iu Ying, and even the early ones of Tu Chin, an exceptionally decisive brushwork appears. Thus, it seems exchange and influence took place even among different schools of painting at the time.
內容簡介(中文) |
周臣(約西元1450-1535年),江蘇吳縣人。字舜卿,號東村。山水畫學陳暹,得到宋朝人的方法。通常摹仿李唐、郭熙、馬遠、夏圭,筆法很純熟。 寧戚是春秋時衛國人。到了齊國,巧遇齊桓公出巡,他一面餵著牛,一面唱著歌,歌詞,有著很深的寄託。齊桓公聽了非常感動,就用車將他接了回去,把齊國的政治大權託付給他。此圖寫的就是這故事,而把齊桓公問答的情形省略掉了。畫筆非常生動,老樹懸藤像龍蛟飛舞一般。畫很秀雅,沒有一點作家氣,是周臣的好畫。
內容簡介(英文) |
Chou Ch’en (style name Shun-ch’ing; sobriquet Tung-tsun) was a native of Wu County, Kiangsu. He modeled his landscapes on those of Ch’en Hsien (1405-1496) and also employed the painting methods of the Sung masters. Chou matured his brush technique by frequently copying the works of such noted artists as Li T’ang (1049-1130), Kuo His (fl. 1190-1224), Ma Yuan (fl. 1195-1224), and Hsia Kuei (fl. 1195-1224. Ning Ch’i (fl. Seventh century B.C.), a native of the state of wei, traveled to the state of Ch’i. There once while he was feeding his ox Duke Huan heard him singing. Thus realizing Ning Ch’i’s worth, the duke gave him a position in the administration of Ch’i.
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
Zhou Chen (style name Shunqing, sobriquet Dongcun) was native to what is now Suzhou, Jiangsu. He specialized in landscapes and figures, achieving the brush method of earlier Song dynasty painters. Whether in the fine-line or sketching-ideas styles, all have a character of their own. Ning Qi, a native of Wei in the Spring and Autumn period (second half of the 8th c.-first half of the 5th c. BCE), pulled a cart to make a living due to the poverty of his family. In the state of Qi, he one day came across Duke Huan, who was on an inspection tour. Ning Qi was feeding his ox and tapping its horns as he sang. The duke felt this was no ordinary man and summoned him, later making him Counselor-in-chief. The work here shows Ning Qi holding a stick as he feeds the ox. The brushwork is strong and sharp, the vines on the old tree unusually dynamic like the horns of a dragon.(20100101)
參考書目 |
許文美、劉芳如,〈明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸〉,收入《明四大家特展-仇英》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2014.10),頁220-223、336。