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Tung Y'an, a native of Kiangsi, was a Southern T'ang official, and he also specialized in painting the rolling landscapes of the south. He created the so-called "hemp-fiber" texture stroke, which had a great impact on later literati painting. "Lung-su" refers to the emperor's residence and "inhabitants" in Chinese is a homonym for "proud residents". Together, they indicate the residents of the capital. Perhaps depicted here is a competition in spring to welcome the spirits. Tung's style derived from two sources: the ink monochrome manner of Wang Wei and the blue-and-green tradition of Li Ssu-hs'n. This belongs to the latter. Although dating from after Tung's time, it preserves many narrative elements of early landscape painting.
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Huang Gongwang’s painting style followed that of Zhao Mengfu, tracing it back further to Dong Yuan and Juran. This painting is directly related to the appearance of the Dong Yuan landscape style circulating in the Yuan dynasty. Dong Yuan, a native of Zhongling in the Southern Tang, was active in the tenth century and did two types of landscape painting, one in monochrome ink and the other in colors. This painting associated with the latter adopts a bird’s-eye perspective, the mountain shapes rounded with dense lush forests between them, presenting a landscape full of life and vitality. The activities depicted here are said to be related to prayers for rain or to greeting a deity, but no conclusions have been reached. The trees and forests in the foreground of the painting appear similar to renderings of the Dong Yuan style in the Yuan dynasty. Although it is difficult to consider this as a Song dynasty production, it is still nonetheless an extension of the colored landscape style by Dong Yuan seen among such Yuan artists as Huang Gongwang.(20110609)
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參考書目 |
〈五代南唐董源龍宿郊民圖 軸〉,收入李玉珉、何炎泉、邱士華主編《妙合神離-董其昌書畫特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2016.01),頁36-37、377。
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國立故宮博物院編輯委員會,〈五代南唐董源龍宿郊民圖 軸〉,收入《故宮書畫菁華特輯》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1996.10),頁58-59。
參考書目 |
童文娥,〈五代南唐董源龍宿郊民圖 軸〉,收入林麗江、何炎泉主編《寫盡繁華-晚明文化人王世貞與他的志業》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2022.10),頁192-193。