民國齊白石蝦 軸 齊白石 , 135.7x33.8


基本資料 藏品類型 繪畫
文物統一編號 購畫000053N000000000 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄
作品號 購畫00005300000
品名 民國齊白石蝦 軸
分類 繪畫
作者 齊白石
數量 一軸

典藏尺寸 【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 135.7x33.8
全幅 49.6

質地 【質地位置】 【質地】
本幅 紙本

題跋資料 【題跋類別】 【作者】 【位置】 【款識】 【書體】 【全文】
作者款識 齊白石 本幅 色色蛇蟲美惡並。好生天意亦堪憐。青蝦安得盈河海。化盡飛蝗喜見天。蝗化為蝦。見後漢循吏傳。白石山翁。 行書
印記: 木居士、白石翁

印記資料 【印記類別】 【印記】

主題 【主題類別】 【主題(第一層)】 【主題(第二層)】 【主題說明】
主要主題 水中動植物
次要主題 花草 慈菇

技法 【技法】 【技法細目】

參考資料 【類別】 【參考資料】
內容簡介(中文)   齊白石(西元一八六四-一九五七年),湖南湘譚人。原名璜,字萍生,號白石。畫善山水、人物、花卉草蟲,又精書法、篆刻。其中,尤以蝦、蟹等水族題材最多,筆致淋漓活潑,構圖新穎,誠已超邁古人。   本幅以樸拙之筆,畫慈菇三五成叢,草蝦悠游其間。款題云:色色蝦蟲美惡兼,好生天意亦堪憐;青蝦安得盈河海,化盡飛蝗喜見天。蝗化為蝦,見後漢循吏傳。白石山翁。鈐印:木居士,白石翁。
內容簡介(英文) Ch’I Pai-shih (original name Huang, style name P’ing-sheng, and sobriquet Pai-shih) was a native of Hsiang-t’an,Hunan. He excelled at painting landscapes, figures, and flowers-and-insects, and he was also a gifted calligrapher and sealcarver. Among his depictions of waterlife, shrimp and crabs are the most numerous subjects. He often painted with water-laden ink and lively brushwork, creating innovative compositions as he surpassed those of the ancients. Using slightly awkward brushwork in this painting, Ch’I Pai-shih has depicted several clumps of arrowhead plants as grass shrimp leisurely swim about. Ch’I also calligraphed the poem about shrimp in seven characters on this painting.
內容簡介(中文)   齊璜(西元一八六四-一九五七年),湖南湘潭人。小名阿芝,字萍生,號白石,又號寄萍、借山翁等,名號甚多。年少學木工,善雕花。二十七歲學書畫,學詩文,篆刻。四十歲後遊歷大江南北,六十歲後定居北平,以刻印賣畫為生,並任北京藝專教授。其書畫以徐渭、八大、石濤為宗,兼及金農、吳昌碩。   白石善以樸拙寫意之筆法,處理日常生活可見之事物。此幅以古拙的筆墨寫三五成叢之慈菇、草蝦悠遊其間。墨蝦生動活潑,而構圖別出新裁,極富新穎之感。
內容簡介(英文) Ch’I Pai-shih was a native of Hsiang-t’an, Hunan, and known by many sobriquets throughout his life. As a youth he studied carpentry and excelled at decorative carving. At twenty-six he studied painting and calligraphy, as well as poetry, prose, and seal carving. At forty he began travelling all over China, finally settling down in Peking at fifty-nine. He made a living by carving seals and selling paintings, and he also served as a professor at the Peking Art Academy. The styles of his painting and calligraphy followed those of Hsu Wei (1521-1593), Chu Ta (1626-1705), Shih T’ao (1642-c. 1707), as well as Chin Nung (1687-1763), and Wu Ch’ang-shih (1844-1928). Chi excelled at using simple brushwork to depict objects from daily life. In theis work he has used an antique flavor to paint clusters of fungi with shrimp swimming among them. The monochrome shrimp are lively, and the composition of the painting is freshly original.