民國齊白石蘋果草蟲 軸 齊白石 , 105.5x34.3


基本資料 藏品類型 繪畫
文物統一編號 購畫000055N000000000 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄
作品號 購畫00005500000
品名 民國齊白石蘋果草蟲 軸
Basket of Fruit
分類 繪畫
作者 齊白石
創作時間 中華民國三十七年(1948)
數量 一軸

典藏尺寸 【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 105.5x34.3
全幅 49.4

質地 【質地位置】 【質地】
本幅 紙本

題跋資料 【題跋類別】 【作者】 【位置】 【款識】 【書體】 【全文】
題跋 齊白石 本幅 杏子塢老民白石八十八歲。戊子(西元一九四八年)秋月作。 草書
印記: 白石、麓山紅葉相思
包首 齊白石蘋果草蟲。

印記資料 【印記類別】 【印記】

主題 【主題類別】 【主題(第一層)】 【主題(第二層)】 【主題說明】
主要主題 草蟲 蜻蜓
主要主題 果蔬 蘋婆.林檎
主要主題 器用 籃.簍.籮筐

技法 【技法】 【技法細目】

參考資料 【類別】 【參考資料】
內容簡介(中文) 齊白石(西元一八六四-一九五七年),湖南湘潭人。原名純生,後易名為璜,又號白石山人。初假雕花木工營生,廿七歲始習畫,於肖像、花卉、蟲魚、山水,無不精能。因於北平鬻畫最久,為藝壇尊為民初京派的代表,而與上海的吳昌碩並稱「南吳北齊」。   白石晚期作畫好用粗筆大墨,揮灑自如,色調雖豔而不俗。構圖別緻,時出意表。雖從學及模仿者極多,惟均不及。
內容簡介(英文) Ch’I Pai-shih was a native of Hsiang-t’an, Hunan, Who went by numerous sobriquets. As a youth, he learned carpentry and excelled at sculpture. At the age of 26, he began to study calligraphy, painting, poetry, and sealcarving. After the age of 40, he travelled extensively throughout China; later, in his sixties, he established residence in Peking, where he sold paintings and carved seals for a living. He also served as an instructor in the Peking Art Academy. In his later years, Ch’I often used coarse brushwork and copious amounts of ink, which he applied with great freedom. Although he used many colors, they were applied with great refinement. The composition is constricted by the narrow scroll, giving, enhancing the elongated character. Though many have tried to imitate and copy his works, none can approach Ch’I’s style. Ch’I’s inscription states that he did this painting in 1948.
內容簡介(中文)   齊白石(西元一八六四-一九五七年),湖南湘潭人。小名阿芝,字萍生,號白石、白石翁,又號寄萍、借山翁等,名號甚多。年少學木工,善雕花。二十七歲學書畫,學詩文,刻圖章。四十歲後遊歷大江南北,六十歲後定居北平,以篆刻賣畫為生,並任北京藝專教授。其書畫以徐渭、八大、石濤為宗,兼及金農、吳昌碩。   此幅以寫意法及大膽的色彩運用,表現出蘋果、蜻蜓質樸之美。畫面一反傳統水墨淡雅安靜之氣氛,而以獨創面目予人強烈深刻的感受。
內容簡介(英文) Ch’I Pai-shih was a native of Hsiang-t’an in Hunan and known by many svbriquets throughout his life. As a youth, he studied carpentry and excelled at decorative carving. At the age of 26, he studied painting and calligraphy, as well as poetry, belles-lettres, and carving seals. At 40, he began travelling all over China, finally settling down in Peking at 59. He made a living by seal carving and selling paintings, and also served as a professor at the Peking Art Academy. The styles of his painting and calligraphy followed those of Hsu Wei (1521-1593), Chu Ta (1626-1705), Shih-t’ao (1642-c. 1707), as well as Chin Nung (1687-1763) and Wu Ch’ang-suo (1844-1927). This painting was done in the “sketching ideas ”method with the blod colors expressing the beautiful disposition of the apples and dragonfies. In contrast with the quiet and elegant atmosphere of traditional ink painting, this painting gives one the feeling of powerful and profound creativity.