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齊璜(西元一八六四-一九五七年),湖南湘潭人。小名阿芝,字萍生,號白石,又號齊萍、借山翁等。習詩文書畫、篆刻。畫山水構圖奇肆,富創造精神;畫花鳥以寫意者最精,尤工蝦蟹等水族,淋漓活潑,高出古人。 年四十八歲,齊白石依譚鍾麟兩廣總督任內之照片,作此半身肖像畫。通幅墨筆為主,僅鬚髮處加染白粉。臉部有明顯的陰影處理,突出了人物的立體感,形貌逼真,神韻俱全。此類畫題在齊氏作品中,實屬難得者。 本幅為譚伯羽、譚季甫先生捐贈。
內容簡介(英文) |
Ch’I Pai-shih was a native of Hsiang-t’an, Hunan, and was known by many sobriquets throughout his life. At twenty-six he studied painting and calligraphy, as well as poetry, prose, and seal carving. In his landscapes, his creative originality is fully shown in free and unusual compositions. He excelled in hsieh-yi (painting ideas) bird-and-flower painting,and his depictions of aquatic tribes such as lobsters and crabs comes to life and far exceed the old masters.
Painted when he was forty-eight, Ch’I Pai-shih relied on a picture taken of the Governor General of Kwangtung and Kwanghsi, T’an Chung-lin, to paint this portrait. Ink strokes are the most outstanding feature in this work; only a bit of white powder has been added to the beard. The facial area shows clear signs of modelling, producing a three-dimensional effect. The appearance of the figure is very realistic and complete. This subject-matter is rarely seen among Chi’s oeuvre.
This painting was donated to the Museum by T’an Po-yu and T’an Chi-fu.
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Ch'i Pai-shih (ming Huang, tzu P'ing-sheng, hao Chi-p'ing and Chieh-shan weng) was a native of Hsiang-t'an, Hunan province. As a youth he studied woodworking and excelled in the art of decorative carving. At the age of 27, he began studying painting and calligraphy, and at the age of 59, under the influence of Chen Shih-tseng, he devoted his attention to the freehand painting of bird-and-flower scenes.
Ch'i Pai-shih painted this ink portrait with meticulous, lifelike detail. The figure depicted is Tann Chung-lin, grandfather of the Tann brothers, who donated the present collection. Tann Chung-lin served as the governor-general of the Shensi-Kansu, Fukien-Chekiang, and Kwangtung-Kwangsi provincial jurisdictions. From the postscript of Wang K'ai-yun on the painting, we know that the portrait was painted from a photograph of Tann during his tenure as governor-general of Kwangtung-Kwangsi. It also shows that Wang and Tann Chung-lin were acquaintances of more than 60 years. The Tann brothers presented this portrait to Wang, who at the age of 79 wrote this inscription of praise to record this interesting story between them.