清吳昌碩行書中堂 軸 吳昌碩;Wu Changshuo , 135.2 × 39.8


基本資料 藏品類型 書法
文物統一編號 贈書000387N000000000 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄
作品號 贈書00038700000
品名 清吳昌碩行書中堂 軸
Central Panel in Running Script
分類 法書
作者 吳昌碩;Wu Changshuo
書體 行書
創作時間 清德宗光緒三十二年(1906)
數量 一軸
作品語文 漢文
釋文 玉華峰抱天梯入。石馬嶺登樵徑通。川湧似翻斜谷出。邨虛遠墮劫灰中。耕荒叱叱驅晨犢。依樹沙沙落晚蟲。秋興蒼涼吟不得。年年棲鳳失梧桐。玉華山館作。竹風冷冷。煎之者樵青。眾人皆醉吾獨醒。陶壺銘。丙午(西元一九0六年)孟夏游天平山歸來乘興書。珊洲仁兄大人正之。安吉吳俊卿昌碩。

典藏尺寸 【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 135.2 × 39.8
全幅 199.4 × 56.2

質地 【質地位置】 【質地】

印記資料 【印記類別】 【印記】
作者印記 俊卿大利
作者印記 昌碩
收傳印記 辰園寶藏

參考資料 【類別】 【參考資料】
內容簡介(中文) 吳昌碩(西元一八四四-一九二七年),浙江安吉人。原名俊,字昌碩,又字倉石,別號缶廬、苦鐵、又署破荷、老缶、大聾,七十歲後以字行。二十二歲補試秀才,五十三歲曾保舉任安東縣(今漣水),一月辭去。二十九歲到蘇州在潘伯寅(祖蔭)、吳平齋(雲)、吳大澂處獲見古代彝器及名人書畫。從楊見山(峴)進修文藝,鑽研詩、書、篆刻。書法以石鼓文最為擅長,用筆結體,一變前人成法,力透紙背,獨具風骨。本幅特色亦如是。
內容簡介(英文) Wu Ch'ang-suo (original name Chun, style name Ch'ang-shih, and sobriquets Fou-lu, K’u-t'ieh, P'o-ho, Lao-fou, and Ta-lung) was a native of An-chi, Chekiang. At the age of 21, he passed a civil service examination and by the time he was 52 years-old he was recommended to serve in An-tung County (modern Lien-shui), retiring not long thereafter. At the age of 28, he traveled to Soochow and was able to view bronzes, calligraphy, and paintings at the residences of such prominent figures as P'an Po-ying (Tsu-yin), Wu P'ing-chao (Yun), and Wu Ta-cheng. He studied the arts from Yang Chien-shan (Hsien), and he specialized in researching poetry, calligraphy, and seal carving. He was most noted for his calligraphy in the style of the Stone Drum inscriptions. He combined several styles to form his own, which was exceptionally powerful and unique. The scroll here forms the central panel of calligraphy and was composed in running script. According to Wu's inscription, this work was done in 1922 at the age of 76.
收藏著錄 蔡辰男先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁23、119-120