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Lu Chih focused much of his artistic energy on landscape painting. From each of his surviving works, his transformation of the ancients into his own style (seemingly without effort) can be seen. The result is an utmost naturalness to the use of brush and ink, as seen in this work. Here, the arrangement of trees and a kiosk reflects the composition used by Ni Tsan (1301-1374). The coloring is subdued and muted, similar in spirit to that of Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559). The texture strokes, dots, and washes all appear natural and therefore in harmony with the spirit of Yuan (1279-1368) painting. The talent and skill of Lu Chih allowed him to take apart styles and recombine them almost seeminglessly for a manner all his own.
內容簡介(中文) |
陸治(西元一四九六-一五七六年),吳縣(今江蘇蘇州)人。字叔平,號包山子。好為詩及古文辭,善行楷,尤精通繪事。晚年隱於支硎山。前人記載他書學祝允明、畫學文徵明,不過他取資甚廣,以融合倪瓚筆法及古人青綠設色見長。 此圖繪秋山紅樹,古寺傍崖,遼闊的江岸旁,一亭子與遠山層巒遙遙相對。全畫筆墨設色都很淡雅,點葉皴染,似不經意,呈現出一幅明淨舒爽的秋日風景。
內容簡介(英文) |
Lu Chih (style name Shu-p’ing, sobriquet Pao-shan-tzu) was a native of Wu County, Kiangsu (modern Soochow). He enjoyed poetry and classical prose, and was particularly good at painting. He studied the calligraphy of Chu Yun-ming and the painting of Wen Cheng-ming. However, his style was influenced by a broad range of sources, including the brush work of Ni Tsan and the archaic style of blue and green landscapes. In his later years, Lu became a hermit and lived at Mt. Chih-hsing. This scroll depicts the red trees and mountains of autumn. An ancient temple stands beside a cliff, while on this side of a broad river bank stands a pagoda facing layers of mountains rising at a distance. The colors are light and graceful and the brushwork seems natural, even casual or random. The painting evokes the brightness and clarity of an autumn day.