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內容簡介(英文) |
Among Wu School painters, Lu Chih was quite gifted at growing plants and flowers. According to his friend Wang Shih-chen (1526-1590), Lu loved gardening and was especially fond of growing chrysanthemums. In the garden by his studio at Chih-hsing Mountain, Lu grew many kinds of plants, flowers, and trees. This painting of pear blossoms done in monochrome ink might represent a branch from a tree there. The brush twists back and forth to reflect the tortuous bends in the branch as a combination of light and dark as well as scorched and wet ink have been used. The blossoms appear either in full blooms, half-opened, or as buds. The detailed observation here reveals Lu’s skill as a painter and reflection upon his life of reclusion.
內容簡介(中文) |
陸治(西元一四九六-一五七六年),吳縣人。字叔平,號包山子。倜儻好義,以孝友稱。詩文書畫,並佳。從文衡山、祝枝山之門,畫名幾與衡山相垺。 水墨折枝梨花,盤曲繚繞而上。畫榦用筆老辣,亦極得勢。通幅自有一種雅澹之韻,分外宜人。
內容簡介(英文) |
Lu Chih was a native of Soochow. His style name was Shu-p’ing; his sobriquet, Pao-shan-tzu. Free and easy of manner and noted for his integrity, Lu Chih was famous for his sense of friendship and filial piety. He excelled in poetry, prose, calligraphy and painting. A close friend of Chu Yun-ming and Wen Cheng-ming, his fame as an artist almost equaled that of Wen Cheng-ming. A branch of a blossoming pear tree zigzags upward, its stem executed in extremely forceful strokes. Lu Chih’s powerful ink monochrome rendering of the stalk successfully captures the plant’s growing energy. A subtle pale elegance pervades the entire work.