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唐玄宗 ( 685—762 ) 姓李名隆基,英明而多藝,在位四十五年,史稱唐明皇。善八分、章草等書法。開元七年 (719 ) 秋 ( 註 1 ),有鶺翎約千隻之數翔集宮殿中。玄宗見其飛鳴行搖不畏人之狀,聯想及兄弟相聚之樂,遂召魏光乘撰此鶺翎頌。鶺翎,此鳥有「飛則鳴」、「行則搖」的習性,古人將之比喻為「兄弟既在急難而相救」,因此演變為「兄弟之情 」之寓意。
本幅書於玄宗三十五歲之年( 719 ) ( 註1 ),書法用筆甚著意於線條之使轉頓挫,精力瀰漫,頗有圭陵顯露之處。書風則有雄健寬宏之氣勢,與當時肥壯之人馬、豐腴之仕女等畫風正能相互呼應。( 林柏亭 )
註1:江兆申,〈唐玄宗書鶺鴒頌完成年歲考〉,《雙谿讀畫隨筆》,(台北:國立故宮博物院,1977.10 ),頁 1—9。
Emperor Hsuan-tsung (Li Lung-chi) was noted for his bravery and skill in marshal arts. After the demise of Emperor Chung-tsung, Queen Wei took over the rule and her clan plotted a usurpation; thereupon he planned a counter-coup to restore the royal house. His plan successful, he placed his father on the throne (Emperor Jui-tsung), and on his father's abdication he himself assumed the throne. Hsuan-tsung, more commonly known as Emperor Ming-huang, was often praised for his love for his brothers. Once, thousands of pied wagtails came to perch near his palace and his ministers took this as an auspicious sign of his benevolent reign and love of his subjects. This composition has been carefully planned but the brushwork has a casual elegance. Wang Wen-chih described it saying:"Between the strokes there are dragons and phoenixes (two imperial symbols)."
內容簡介(中文) |
參考書目 |
4.林柏亭,〈帝國的回憶 國立故宮博物院瑰寶赴法展專輯一 — 唐玄宗鴒頌〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第185期(1998年8月),頁8-11。
5.何傳馨,〈「天子之寶 — 台北國立故宮博物院的收藏」展品系列(五) — 書法、圖書文獻〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第248期(2003年11月),頁5。
9.侯怡利,〈唐玄宗鶺鴒頌〉,收入蔡玫芬主編,《精彩一百 國寶總動員》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),頁188。
10.〈唐玄宗書鶺鴒頌〉,收入何傳馨、陳階晉、陳昱全編,《故宮法書新編 (六) 唐 玄宗書鶺鴒頌 唐 徐浩書朱巨川告身》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年八月初版一刷),頁4-32。
內容簡介(中文) |
唐玄宗 ( 685-762 ) ,姓李名隆基,英明多藝,為盛唐明君,史稱「唐明皇」。善隸書與行書。
內容簡介(英文) |
Xuanzong (personal name Li Longji) was a brilliant and multi-talented emperor, being an enlightened ruler of the High Tang known as “Emperor Minghuang of the Tang.” He also excelled at calligraphy.
In the autumn of 719, about a thousand pied wagtails perched at the palatial Linde Hall. Wei Guangcheng thereupon composed “Ode to Pied Wagtails” and submitted it to the emperor. Their characteristics of flying and calling as well as wagging when moving led Wei to liken these birds to the affection of brothers looking after each other, to which Emperor Xuanzong replied in like. The brushwork in this handscroll is steady and the use of ink rich, having a force of vigor and magnanimity. The brushwork leads the pauses and transitions to reveal places with ridges for a pervasive energy. Although the characters in this scroll were traced with outlines and filled with ink, the copying is exceptionally fine, faithfully reflecting the appearance of Xuanzong’s calligraphy and making this an extremely rare work.
參考書目 |
〈唐玄宗鶺鴒頌 卷〉,收入劉芳如主編《國寶再現-書畫菁華特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2018.10),頁28-41、249-250。