基本資料 | 藏品類型 | 繪畫 |
文物統一編號 | 故畫001254N000000008 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄 | |
作品號 | 故畫00125400008 | |
品名 |
歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 Peach Blossoms |
分類 | 繪畫 | |
數量 | 一幅 |
典藏尺寸 | 【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 25.2x25.3 |
質地 | 【質地位置】 | 【質地】 |
本幅 | 絹 |
題跋資料 | 【題跋類別】 | 【作者】 | 【位置】 | 【款識】 | 【書體】 | 【全文】 |
題跋 | 楊皇后 | 本幅 | 楷書 | 千年傳得種。二月始敷華。 | ||
印記: (坤卦)、楊姓翰墨 |
印記資料 | 【印記類別】 | 【印記】 |
收傳印記 | 交翠軒印 | |
收傳印記 | (一半印不可辨) |
主題 | 【主題類別】 | 【主題(第一層)】 | 【主題(第二層)】 | 【主題說明】 |
主要主題 | 花草 | 桃花 |
技法 | 【技法】 | 【技法細目】 |
工筆 |
參考資料 | 【類別】 | 【參考資料】 |
收藏著錄 | 石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁735 | |
收藏著錄 | 故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁240-243 | |
參考書目 | 1.許郭璜,〈宋人桃花〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《宋代書畫冊頁名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年初版一刷),頁297。 2.許郭璜,〈馬遠或馬麟 — 關於無款〈桃花〉圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第332期(2009年11月),頁18-27。 | |
內容簡介(中文) | 馬遠字欽山,南宋光宗、寧宗朝(西元一一O九至一二二四年)畫院待詔,山水、人物、花鳥種種臻妙,山水畫尤能獨樹一幟,與夏圭齊名,時稱「馬夏」。 此幀選自「歷代集繪」冊第八開。幅中寫生桃花一枝,筆墨精雅而富生意,無名款,右上方但見楊皇后題云:「千年傳得種,二月始敷華。」院藏另有馬遠倚雲仙杏一作,於尺幅大小、筆墨設色、題識印記諸端,俱與本幅相仿,而倚雲仙杏繫有「臣馬遠畫」四字款。基於上述比較,當能推知,宋人桃花亦屬馬遠所繪。 | |
內容簡介(英文) | Ma Yuan, style name Chin-shan, was a native of Ho-chung, Shansi Province. He served in the Imperial Painting Academy under the Southern Sung emperors, Kuang-tsung and Ning-tsung. His father, grandfather, and son were all talented painters. His landscapes, figures and bird/flower paintings are simple, but of the very finest quality. This album leaf is number eight in the National Palace Museum's "Album Leaves Through the Dynasties." It depicts a branch of peach blossoms. The brush and ink work are wonderfully elegant and rich in meaning. Although the painting is unsigned, there is an inscription by the Empress Yang in the upper right portion of the painting. The National Palace Museum collection also contains Ma Yuan's "Apricot Blossoms" which is similar to this painting in terms of size, brushwork, color, colophons and seals. Moreover, "Apricot Blossoms" bears the four character signature, "Painted by Your Subject, Ma Yuan." On the basis of this comparison, we realize that the anonymous painting "Peach Blossoms" was also painted by Ma Yuan. | |
內容簡介(中文) | 寫生桃花一枝。上題:「千年傳得種,二月始敷華。」鈐「坤卦」印、「楊姓翰墨」,由鈐印及書法,知為楊皇后(1162-1233)題。既鈐坤卦印,畫應作於1202年楊氏被立為皇后之後。畫無款,與馬遠〈倚雲仙杏〉尺幅、構圖相近,畫風技法更近馬麟傳世作品,被推定為馬麟作。 品賞桃花為宮中盛事,宮苑中觀桃處名為「桃源」。題詩引用仙桃樹三千年才結一實的典故,強調桃花的出塵與珍貴。畫中桃花勾勒靈活生動,設色敷染細膩,流露超凡氣質。(20101015) | |
內容簡介(英文) | In this painting of a branch of peach blossoms depicted from life is an inscription at the left that reads, “Planted for thousands of years ago, in the second month they begin to flourish.” Appearing next to it are impressions for two seals reading, “Kungua” and “Yang xing hanmo” (Calligraphy by Née Yang). Judging from the seals and calligraphy, we thus know the writing was done by Empress Yang. The “Kungua” seal indicates that the painting was done after she had been promoted to the rank of Empress in 1202. Though the work has no signature of the artist, it is very close in size, composition, and style to Ma Yuan’s “Apricot Blossoms.” The appreciation of peach blossoms was a major event at court, and places in the Imperial Palace for viewing peach blossoms were known as the “Peach [Blossom] Spring.” The inscribed poetry cites from the peach tree of immortality that bears fruit only once every 3,000 years, emphasizing the otherworldly rarity of the peach blossom. Here, the peach blossoms were outlined with nimble yet lively lines, the coloring in delicate washes to reveal an extraordinary disposition.(20101015) | |
收藏著錄 | 故宮書畫圖錄,第二十八冊,頁356-363 | |
參考書目 | 何傳馨,〈歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花〉,收入《文藝紹興-南宋藝術與文化‧書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010.10),頁210、364。 |
繪畫 , 一幅 , 25.6x28.8公分
繪畫 , 一幅 , 22.4x17.9公分
繪畫 , 一幅 , 28.2x26.5公分
繪畫 , 一幅 , 25.5x26.5公分
繪畫 , 一幅 , 34.2x27.2公分
繪畫 , 一幅 , 26.1x26.3公分
繪畫 , 一幅 , 22.9x23.8公分
繪畫 , 一幅 , 25.2x25.3公分
繪畫 , 一幅 , 23.4x23.8公分