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錢選(西元1239─1301年),浙江吳興人。字舜舉,宋景定間鄉貢進士。為「吳興八俊」之一。入元不仕,流連詩畫以終其身。山水、人物、花鳥無不擅長。 此手卷描繪王羲之坐於亭內,觀看湖中白鵝嬉戲,由鵝修長脖子擺動的優美姿態,得到書法運筆的靈感。山石以重複而單純的直線和曲線構成,再於輪廓內塗上石青、石綠、土黃等顏色,仿唐朝青綠山水的作風。此畫並不刻意追求古拙的趣味,充滿懷古情意。
內容簡介(英文) |
Ch'ien Hsuan, style name Shun-chu, was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. He is considered one of the Eight Talents of Wu-hsing, a group of early Yuan Dynasty painters. He received the chin-shih degree as a provincial candidate ( hsiang-kung ) during the Ching-ting era. After the fall of the Sung he refused to serve the Yuan government and instead devoted himself to painting. His landscapes, figures and bird-and flower paintings are of exceptional quality. This hand scroll illustrates the story of Wang Hsi-chih, the famous Chin Dynasty calligrapher, whose spirited calligraphy is said to have been inspired by the sinuous movements of the long necks of geese. The rocks were painted in thin, angular lines in repeating patterns. The outlines are filled in with mineral blues and greens and natural yellows reminiscent of T'ang Dynasty blue-green landscapes. This painting conveys a sense of antiquity and nostalgia.
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Qian Xuan, style name Shunju, was a native of Wuxing, Zhejiang. One of the Eight Talents of Wuxing, he received the Presented Scholar (jinshi) degree as a provincial candidate in the Jingding era (1260-1264) but did not serve the Yuan after the fall of the Song. This handscroll illustrates the story of Wang Xizhi (307-365), the famous Jin "Sage Calligrapher," whose spirited style is said to have been inspired by viewing the sinuously long necks of geese. The rocks here were painted in straight and curving lines to make repeated patterns, as mineral blues and greens with ochre were added inside the outlines to create an archaic quality. There are also other copies that have survived through the ages. (20100710)
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參考書目 |
何炎泉,〈宋錢選蘭亭觀鵝圖 卷〉,收入劉芳如主編《華夏藝術中的自然觀-唐獎故宮文物選萃特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2016.09),頁252-253。