基本資料 | 藏品類型 | 書法 |
文物統一編號 | 故書000249N000000001 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄 | |
作品號 | 故書00024900001 | |
品名 |
宋元寶翰 冊 宋高宗書七言律詩 Poem in Seven-character Verse |
分類 | 法書 | |
作者 | 趙構 | |
書體 | 行楷書 | |
數量 | 一幅 | |
作品語文 | 漢文 | |
釋文 | 暮春三月巫峽長。皛皛行雲浮日光。雷聲忽送千峰雨。花氣渾如百和香。黃鶯過水翻迴去。燕子㘅泥濕不妨。飛閣捲簾圖畫裡。虛無只少對瀟湘。賜億年。 |
典藏尺寸 | 【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 27.1x48.7 | |
邊幅 | 27.2x8.7 |
質地 | 【質地位置】 | 【質地】 |
本幅 | 絹 | |
邊幅 | 綾 |
題跋資料 | 【題跋類別】 | 【作者】 | 【位置】 | 【款識】 | 【書體】 | 【全文】 |
題跋 | 董其昌 | 邊幅 | 甲辰六月觀於西湖畫舫。董其昌題。 | 行楷書 | 思陵書杜少陵詩。趙吳興補圖。乃稱二絕。趙畫學王摩詰。筆法秀古。使在宋時應詔。當壓駒驌輩。為宗室白眉矣。甲辰六月觀於西湖畫舫。董其昌題。 |
印記資料 | 【印記類別】 | 【印記】 |
作者印記 | 御書之寶 | |
作者印記 | 御書(半印) | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 乾隆鑑賞 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 石渠寶笈 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 重華宮鑑藏寶 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 乾隆御覽之寶 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 三希堂精鑑璽 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 宜子孫 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 嘉慶御覽之寶 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 宣統御覽之寶 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 宣統鑑賞 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 無逸齋精鑒璽 | |
鑑藏寶璽 | 樂善堂圖書記 | |
收傳印記 | 神(重一) | |
收傳印記 | 品(重一) | |
收傳印記 | 天籟閣 | |
收傳印記 | 桃里 | |
收傳印記 | 項元汴印 | |
收傳印記 | 子京珍秘 | |
收傳印記 | 項墨林鑑賞章 | |
收傳印記 | 若水軒 | |
收傳印記 | 虛朗齋 | |
收傳印記 | 項墨林父秘笈之印(重一) | |
收傳印記 | 項子京家珍藏 | |
收傳印記 | 宮保世家(重一) | |
收傳印記 | 退密(半印) | |
收傳印記 | 檇李項氏士家寶玩(半印) | |
收傳印記 | 吳廷私印 | |
收傳印記 | 長安 | |
收傳印記 | 桃花源裡人家(半印) | |
收傳印記 | 博雅堂寶玩印(半印) | |
收傳印記 | 子京父印(半印) | |
收傳印記 | 煮茶亭長(半印) |
參考資料 | 【類別】 | 【參考資料】 |
收藏著錄 | 故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁221 | |
收藏著錄 | 石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁710 | |
參考書目 | 1.鄭瑤賜,〈高宗七言律詩〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《宋代書畫冊頁名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年初版一刷),頁245-246。 2.鄭瑤賜,〈「七十件書畫冊頁名品特展」精選(四) — 高宗七言律詩〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第149期(1995年8月),頁94-96。 3.何傳馨,〈書七言律詩〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化‧書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁340-341。 | |
內容簡介(中文) | 趙構(1107-1187)即宋高宗,書法家。宋徽宗趙佶之子。工正、行、草書,少即喜攬筆作字。筆法端雅醇厚、涵泳雋秀,蓋以得力於智永為多,又嘗深究本朝黃庭堅書,亦頗能得其神髓。自謂:「自魏晉以來,至六朝筆法,無不臨摹,眾體備於筆下,意簡猶存取捨。至若契帖,側之益深,擬之益嚴,以至成誦。」明代陶宗義《書史會要》稱:「高宗善真、行、草書,天縱其能,無不造妙。」著有《翰墨志》一卷,傳世墨迹有《草書洛神賦》、《正草千字文》《光明塔碑》等。傳本《顧愷之女史箴圖題字》、《褚遂良倪寬贊》等亦有指為構所書者。 | |
內容簡介(中文) | 宋高宗(西元1107-1187),涿郡人,名構,字德基,徽欽二宗為金人所擄,即位建康,是為南宋。高宗學養豐富,秉賦高超,對書法造詣亦佳,著有<翰墨誌>。此幅書杜甫七言律詩,選自「宋元寶翰」冊第一幅。高宗早年書法黃山谷,後改習二王,是幅字體均勻,結構圖活,章法疏朗,乃高宗本色書法,原書後方有趙吳興補圖,惜為後人剪去。宋朝書家,崇尚意趣,往往輕率下筆,任意著墨,將晉唐端嚴書風大肆更變,有識之士有鑑於此,紛紛改弦易轍,回歸傳統,高宗亦是其中之功臣也。 | |
內容簡介(英文) | Emperor Kao-tsung(original name Chao Kou; style name Te-chi) was a native of Cho-chun. When the emperor Ch'in-tsung(r. 1126) and the retired emperor Hui-tsung (r.1101-1125) were captured by invading Chin troops, Kao-tsung ascended the throne in Chien-k'ang, establishing the Southern Sung in 1127. His breadth of learning was extensive and his prose unparalleled. Kao-tsung was also very gifted and educated in calligraphy, as revealed in his book Treatise on Calligraphy (Han-mo chih). This piece of calligraphy, the first leaf from Sung Yuan pao-han, is a poem by Tu Fu (712-770) in seven-character verse. In his early years, Kao-tsung studied the style of Huang T'ing-chien(1045-1105), later following those of Wang Hsi-chih(ca.307-365) and Wang Hsien-chih(344-386). The characters of this work are evenly spaced and sized, the composition of the characters round and lively, and the line separate and distinct, making this a typical example of Kao-tsung's calligraphy. Originally, the work had a painting by Chao Meng-fu attached afterwards; unfortunately, it was removed by a later collector. Sung calligraphers tended to express the ideas and write from the heart, representing a major shift from the upright style of Chin (265-419) and T'ang(618-907) calligraphy. Emperor Kao-tsung sought to revive these older traditions. | |
內容簡介(中文) | 宋高宗(西元一一0七-一一八七年),趙構,南宋初代皇帝,以學養豐富,精鑒賞而稱世。書法始學黃庭堅,中葉改學米芾,後以臨摹二王追慕晉唐法書,造詣卓越,傳世作品可知其書風之變。 此幅書杜甫七言律詩,選自「宋元翰墨」冊第一幅。全篇字體均勻,結體圓活,章法疏朗,乃高宗本色書法,原書後方有趙吳興補圖,惜為後人剪去。 | |
內容簡介(英文) | Kao-tsung was the first Southern Sung emperor and known for erudition and connoisseurship. In calligraphy, he began studying the style of Huang T'ing-chien, but later turned to that of Mi Fu, and finally to that of the Two Wangs—returning to the essence of the Chin and T'ang. Writing many decrees, his stylistic changes are clearly seen. This work transcribes a 7-character regulated verse composed by the T'ang poet Tu Fu. It is the 1st leaf from Works by Sung and Yuan Calligraphers. Kao-tsung's study of the styles of Huang and the Two Wangs make for a balanced and rounded structure. The arrangement is open, typical for his style. This work once included a painting by Chao Meng-fu that was cut off at a later date. | |
內容簡介(中文) | 本幅宋高宗(1107-1187)以行楷體書唐杜甫〈即事〉七言律詩,後草書署「賜億年」。從後邊幅明董其昌題跋,可知原有元趙孟頫補圖,可惜今已佚失。此幅書法風格與〈賜岳飛手敕〉接近,大約書於同時。將兩者逐字比較風格特徵後,可看出用筆與結字的特色。大致起筆、收筆或轉折,都保持中鋒圓筆,折肩多圓轉,勾挑與逆筆則稍勁銳,運筆不疾不徐,結體勻整端莊,顯現出比〈賜岳飛手敕〉較為優雅閒適的心情。(20101015) | |
內容簡介(英文) | In this work, Emperor Gaozong transcribed in semi-regular script a seven-character regulated verse by the Tang poet Du Fu entitled “Impromptu Verse.” His signature at the end (to the left), however, is written in cursive script and reads, “Presented to Yinian.” Judging from the colophon by Dong Qichang of the Ming dynasty that appears after this work, it originally was accompanied by a now-lost painting by the Yuan artist Zhao Mengfu. The calligraphic style here is similar to that in Gaozong’s “Imperial Order Presented to Yue Fei” and was probably done around the same time (1137). A character-by-character comparison of the stylistic features in these two pieces reveals similar characteristics of the brushwork and character forms. Generally speaking, the pressing, lifting, and turning of the brush were all done with centered strokes and rounded brushwork. The turning strokes are often round and the hooked and reverse ones slightly sharper, making the brush movement neither too fast nor too slow. Character forms are balanced and upright, revealing more elegant ease than seen in “Imperial Order Presented to Yue Fei.”(20101015) | |
參考書目 | 〈宋元寶翰 冊 宋高宗書七言律詩〉,收入李玉珉、何炎泉、邱士華主編《妙合神離-董其昌書畫特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2016.01),頁60-63、380。 | |
參考書目 | 何傳馨,〈宋元寶翰 冊 宋高宗書七言律詩〉,收入《文藝紹興-南宋藝術與文化‧書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010.10),頁90-91、340-341。 | |
參考書目 | 許文美,〈宋元寶翰 冊 宋高宗書七言律詩〉,收入許文美主編《無聲詩-南宋的小品繪畫》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2021.12),頁16-19、166。 |
書法 , 一幅 , 27.1x48.7公分
書法 , 一幅 , 29.6x28.1公分
書法 , 一幅 , 26.4x42.3公分
書法 , 一幅 , 35.8x44.6公分
書法 , 一幅 , 30.9x43.9公分
書法 , 一幅 , 32.1x42.8公分
書法 , 一幅 , 27.3x55.1公分
書法 , 一幅 , 25.5x33公分
書法 , 二幅 , 34.1x40.7;34x31.1公分