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內容簡介(中文) |
陳居中,嘉泰(西元一二0一至一二0四)年間,為畫院待詔。擅畫人物蕃馬。 清晨深宮內,有僕役正打掃庭園。宮娥群聚而來,為首的一位手持金錢,欲探問外界的情形。詩塘中有乾隆皇帝的題識,並附題王建詩「宮人早起笑相呼,不識階前掃地夫,乞與金錢爭借問,外頭還似此間無。」王建字仲初,唐穎川人。作有「宮詞百首」,「王司馬集」。
內容簡介(英文) |
Chen Chu-chung was a Painter-in-Attendance in the Painting Academy and excelled at painting figures and horses. In the early morning, deep in the palace, a servant is sweeping the courtyard. A group of imperial concubines arrives with the one in front carrying gold coins, asking the sweeper what it is like in the world beyond the palace. On the area of the pond is an inscription by the ch'ien-lung emperor (r. 1735-96) with Wang Chien's poem that reads; Palace people rise early, laughing and calling to each other; But they do not know the courtyard sweeper. Giving him gold coins, they jostle to ask; “Is the outside world as boring as it is here?” Wang Chien (style name Chung-ch'u) was active in the T'ang dynasty (618-907) and a native of Ying-ch'uan. His surviving works include 100 palace poems in Wang Ssu-ma chi.
內容簡介(中文) |
內容簡介(英文) |
This work illustrates “A Palace Poem” by Wang Jian of the Tang: “Palace people rise early, laughing and calling each other; But they know not even the courtyard sweeper. Giving him gold, they jostle to ask; ‘Is the outside as boring as it is here?’” Here palace concubines prepare to give a sweeper money and ask about the outside world, hinting at the curiosity and yearning by those confined to the palace.
Chen Juzhong (dates unknown) was a Painter-in-Attendance at the Painting Academy in Ningzong’s Jiatai reign (1201-1204), excelling at foreigners and horses. Song and Yuan records of him are rare, but his works are found in the Ming dynasty. Judging from the style, this is probably a late Ming (1368-1644) work with Chen’s name added to it.(20110405)
參考書目 |
賴毓芝,〈宋陳居中畫王建宮詞圖 軸〉,收入邱士華、林麗江、賴毓芝主編《偽好物-16~18世紀蘇州片及其影響》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2018.04),頁140-143。
參考書目 |
鄭淑方,〈宋陳居中畫王建宮詞圖 軸〉,收入劉芳如主編《她-女性形象與才藝》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2020.10),頁60-63、251。