貴霜王朝 2-3世紀 秣菟羅佛塔欄楯


基本資料 文物統一編號 南購雜000001N000000000 抽盤點紀錄 修護紀錄
品名 貴霜王朝 2-3世紀 秣菟羅佛塔欄楯
Stupa Railing with Tree Goddesses, Kusana Empire, 2-3th century
分類 雜項
尺寸 高93公分
時代 貴霜王朝
說明 The railing (Skr. vedikā) is made from Sikri sandstone quarried in India’s Mathurā region and was originally part of an ancient stupa. Carved with high-relief yakṣas and lotus, the railing exhibits an iconography commonly seen during the Kuṣāṇa period (1st century-320), and its style is in keeping with many works dated from the second to third century. The yakṣa (i.e., śālabhañjikā) is a female earth spirit or tree goddess widely worshipped in ancient India prior to the founding of Buddhism. Her wide-hipped, full-breasted figure is a symbol of fertility. The cult of the yakṣa was later absorbed into Buddhism in order to encourage converts, and the yakṣa is regarded as a protector of the Dharma.

引用參考 〈貴霜王朝 2-3世紀 秣菟羅佛塔欄楯〉,國立故宮博物院藏。圖版取自《器物典藏資料檢索系統》:https://digitalarchive.npm.gov.tw/Antique/Content?uid=76845&Dept=U(檢索日期:2024年5月11日)。